
Interview & tour wide giveaway with Lilliana Anderson

Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome Lillian Anderson to the blog today.

Lilliana Anderson Pic (1)Lillian, can you please share with us a little about yourself

Sure, I’m a full time author and mum of four kids, and I started writing officially almost a year ago when I got tired of my mother in law saying she was going to write her life story. I told her that the only way we would get any peace was if I did it for her. She agreed, and that’s how the Confidante Trilogy, and my writing addiction started.

Have you always wanted to be an author?

I’ve always loved writing, but I felt that being an author was one of those dream jobs that only very few people happened upon. I was studying to be an industrial relations advocate originally, but my life took a slightly different path which eventually led me to where I am now.

 Are you a plotter or a punster or combo of both? And you explain the difference?

Um, I would say l’m a plotter. I spend a lot of time talking through my plot with my husband before I start writing, so I’m very clear on what is happening when I start. I also tend to write, very briefly, what is to happen in each chapter just so I can close the laptop at the end of each day without the characters yelling details at me all night.

What is your most interesting writing quirk?

That I always write a book twice. The first time it’s just a pile of bones shaped somewhat like a skeleton, but the second time I give it flesh and bring it all to life. I feel as though I can’t write the flesh of a story until I’ve had feedback on the bones.

Can you please tell us about your latest book(s)?Too close cover (2)

I’ve just released Too Close which is a companion book to A Beautiful Struggle. It more thoroughly explains the friendship between David and Katrina. You can read Too Close first, but I think it would be best to read it after Struggle (which is a free download)

How did you come with the idea for this story?

I had a lot of readers asking to know more about David, so I felt that he deserved to have his say.

Can you share with us your current work(s) in progress?

My current work is Phoenix. It’s another in the companion series The Beauty in Between and ties in to A Beautiful Forever. This one shows Paige’s back story and how she came to be the person Elliot meets on the plane in the beginning of Forever.

Who is the one author that you would love to meet someday and why?

A.V Scott. I love her work and her personality. We met on Facebook and got along straight away, but we live on opposite sides of the world. We have great plans for attending book tours when our children are grown though.

What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to get into writing?

Do your research and see what’s out there. Spend every spare moment reading, it’s the best way to learn.

Beautiful Struggle (1)Can you share with us something off your bucket list.

Make a snowman. I’ve never seen snow before, so that’s a big ‘to do’ for me.

What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?

The Redemption of Callie and Kayden by Jessica Sorensen –she really left me hanging with the first one!

What is one book everyone should read before they die?

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. That is probably the most beautiful, heart wrenching story l have ever read. I think about it every day, and I read it nearly seven years ago.

What is your favorite time of year & why?

Autumn, because it’s not too hot and not too cold. Plus I love the colours. So Pretty!

Who is your Celebrity crush? Beautiful Forever (1)

And what would you do if you ever meet them?

At the moment, it’s Stephen Amell. That man is one very divine human being.

If I ever met him, I’d likely say “hey, what’s up?” ‘cause I’m cool like that!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Yes! Thank you so much for having me on your blog today. You’ve been awesome!


TOO CLOSE Tour button

Lilliana is giving away the following prizes when the tour ends:

GRAND PRIZE: signed Too Close tote and a $50 kindle voucher
2nd PLACE: signed Too Close postcard and a $20 kindle voucher
3rd PLACE: signed Too Close trading card and a $10 kindle voucher.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Lilliana Anderson’s TOO CLOSE Blog Tour Schedule – 8/1 – 8/31

8/01- Kelly P’s Blog (series spotlight)

8/02- Reader Girls (series spotlight)

8/03- Literal Hotties Naughty Book Reviews (series spotlight)

8/03- Darker Passions (series spotlight)

8/04- Reading Between The Wines (guest post)

8/05- Tome Tender (series spotlight/review)

8/06- Sassy Book Lovers (series spotlight/excerpt)

8/07- United by Books (interview)

8/07- Toot’s Book Reviews (series spotlight)

8/08- So Many Reads (guest post)

8/08 – Lit Heiress (series spotlight/review)

8/09- Redheads Review It Better (series spotlight)

8/09- Queen of All She Reads (series spotlight)

8/10- Shayne Renee’s Spicy Reads (series spotlight)

8/10- Mad Hatter Reads (interview)

8/11- Literal Addiction (series spotlight)

8/11- Literary Nook (series spotlight)

8/12- Scandalicious Reads (interview/series spotlight)

8/12- Musings From An Addicted Reader (guest post)

8/13- Snarkology (series spotlight)

8/14- Must Read Faster (series spotlight)

8/15- Romancing Rakes For the Love of Romance (series spotlight)

8/16- In Shadows (interview)

8/16- Books-N-Kisses (interview)

8/17- Fandom Fanatic (series spotlight)

8/17- Mythical Books (guest post)

8/18- Ramblings From This Chick (guest post/review)

8/19 – Book Nerd

8/19- Riverina Romantics (series spotlight)

8/20- You Gotta Read Reviews (guest post)

8/21- Book Monster Reviews (series spotlight/excerpt)

8/22- Dalene’s Book Reviews

8/23-Rock’n The Muses (interview)

8/23- The Reading Cafe (series spotlight/review) evening post live at 6pm

8/24- KT Book Reviews (series spotlight)

8/25- Two Sassy Chicks (series spotlight/review)

8/25- Wicked Readings by Tawania (series spotlight)

8/26- Miscellaneous Thoughts of A Bookaholic (series spotlight/review)

8/27- My Secret Romance (series spotlight/review)

8/28- Book Lovin’ Mamas (guest post/review)

8/29- Cocktails and Books (series spotlight/review)

8/29- We Love Kink (series spotlight/review)

8/30- Delphina’s Book Reviews (series spotlight)

8/31- Books, Books & More Books (guest post)

One Response to Interview & tour wide giveaway with Lilliana Anderson

  1. Eva Millien August 18, 2013 at 12:03 am #

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful sounding series and the awesome giveaway. evamillen at gmail dot com

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