
Interview with JL Vallance

Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome JL Vallance to the blog for the 1st time

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JL, can you please share with us a little about yourself

I was born and raised in northeast Ohio. I’ve lived here my entire life, except for the three years I gave San Antonio, Texas a go while my husband was in the USAF. I love fairy tales and anything supernatural in nature. I’ve always been plagued with an overactive imagination, and would always create fantastic stories at night to combat insomnia. A little over a year ago, I decided to start putting those stories down on paper. I still have insomnia, but my stories keep getting bigger and bigger.

Have you always wanted to be an author?

I can honestly say that writing is a newer dream of mine. I’ve always had a very vivid imagination, and I’ve also always been overly dramatic. One day I decided that I should take all of these stories that I entertained myself with at night during bouts of insomnia, and put them into something useful. In turn, I found that I really enjoyed writing. It was a therapeutic outlet.

What is your most interesting writing quirk?

That is an interesting question…I’m not sure that I have one! I like to sit down with some coffee and good music and just type away. I don’t write in any specific order, just what feels right at the time.

Can you please tell us about your latest book(s)?

In Destruction of the Soul, Vivienne Drake continues on her quest for answers to her heritage. She continues trying to figure out fact from fiction, who is friend and who is foe. She figures out a little more about who she is and who she wants to be–not just as a Guardian but as a living, breathing creature in the world. There’s continued action, suspense, romance, pain, despair. It’s an intense and insane rollercoaster.

How did you come with the idea for this story?

Deep Into the Soul began as a simple love story, and it quickly changed and grew to the paranormal beast that it is now. It was a simple case of the story evolving on its own. I had been sitting at my desk, writing, and Vivienne had one of her nightmares…and the story just took off from there. Aedan entered into her world and everything changed.

Can you share with us your current work(s) in progress?

I’m currently working on a novella for the Guild Series. The novella is kind of Aedan’s story. It’s his story of his love, his lost love…it will give readers a little bit of an idea of how he came to be where he is when we meet him in Deep Into the Soul–cold, heartless, ruthless. I love it because it shows a different side to him. I do love my bad guys, especially ones with many complex layers.

I’m also working on a contemporary romance. It’s a diverse love story about a boy and a girl and a love that has many, many challenges. That one is in the early stages still, but I hope that readers will love those characters just as much as they love The Guild Series crew.

Who is the one author that you would love to meet someday and why?

I think I’d have to go with Stephen King. He seems so neat and genuine, and like he would have a wealth of knowledge and advice. I’ve read some interviews that he’s given, and he seems like he’d be great to sit and have a talk with.

What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to get into writing?

Write what you feel and what you love. And whatever you do, trust what the story tells you…because sometimes, it just writes itself.

Can you share with us something off your bucket list.

I can tell you it won’t be anything involving me getting on a doggone airplane. I hate even the idea of flying. (Yep, that’s where Vivienne gets it from.) I would really love to travel to England and Scotland. I have heard there are cruise lines that go that-a way… Maybe?

What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?

I’m currently reading Sins and Needles by Karina Halle.

I cannot wait for the next Mageri Series book, by Dannika Dark, to come out later this year. I have really enjoyed this series and am looking forward to the next book while I’m also bummed that it will be the final one.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I thank each and every one of my readers for reading, reviewing, sharing, and following! Thank you so much for having me!




Released Date: August 20th
“There is more at stake in Aedan’s war than any of you realize.”

Vivienne Drake is lost.

She’d let every one of her walls down, finally allowing others into her guarded circle, and all it brought her was pain and devastation. Now, out of fear and desperation, she’s turning to the one being she believes will be truthful with her; the only being that’s dared to give her anything resembling an honest answer–Linux, The Cruciatum.

The Daemonium is dangerous and mysterious, and offering Vivienne things that she’s been begging for. He offers her a chance at discovering what lies just beyond her reach. Though his motives remain far from clear, there is something within him that Vivienne is drawn to. And she wants nothing more than to believe in him, to believe in the things he tells her.

Together, they uncover details of Aedan’s plans, and discover what he intends to use his daughter for. Vivienne learns that she carries within her a destructive darkness, that if she allows, will consume her, and destroy the goodness she contains.

Fighting an endless battle against lies and deception, Vivienne must find the strength within herself to remain on a virtuous path. She’ll be forced to overcome pain and obstacles in order to discover the truth of just how deep the deceit runs within The Guild.

Can she remain above the darkness for the sake of Humanity and herself, or will she allow it to devour her light and destroy her soul?


Author’s Bio & Picture:
J. L. Vallance is a wife, mom, and nurse by day, while posing as a writer by night. Plagued with an overactive imagination, a lover of all things supernatural in nature, she has an extraordinary flair for the dramatic that adds flavor to life. There’s little in her world that Otis Redding and buttercream icing can’t fix. And of course, coffee always helps too. True story.

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One Response to Interview with JL Vallance

  1. J. L. Vallance September 1, 2013 at 5:27 pm #

    Thank you for hosting me! I enjoyed being a guest on your blog. xx

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