
Interview with Elise Sax


elise-funny-225Welcome to Books-n-Kisses Elise, can you please share with us a little about yourself

I’m a harried, single mother, living in Southern California with my two sons, and I also write funny, sexy books with a side of murder.

Connect with Elise: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Have you always wanted to be an author?

Yes, except when I wanted to be an ice skating, ballet-dancing, veterinarian.

Are you a plotter or a punster or combo of both? And you explain the difference?

I write a general outline. I always know the ending (although MATCHPOINT’s ending surprised the hell out of me and will probably surprise the hell out of YOU.)—who did it and why. Then, I plough ahead. There’s a lot of organic magic that happens while writing a book.

What is your most interesting writing quirk?

I wrote MATCHPOINT entirely while lying in bed and watching TV. That’s pretty quirky.

Can you please tell us about your latest book(s)?matchpoint cover

MATCHPOINT is the second book in the Matchmaker series. In it, Gladie Burger is still a matchmaker in training. While matching someone, she becomes the murder suspect in the death of the local dentist. Meanwhile, two hotties are after her, but there isn’t a lot of time for love when she’s being chased by a maniacal killer.

How did you come with the idea for this story?

I have no idea. Probably while I was deep conditioning my hair. Showers are really good for creativity. So are carbs.

Can you share with us your current work(s) in progress?

The first book in a young adult trilogy, which will make you cry (in a good way)

Who is the one author that you would love to meet someday and why?

I met Diana Gabaldon and almost swallowed my tongue. I would love to meet Nora Roberts because I always mention her, as in “what would Nora Roberts do?” She’s amazing, if only for her work ethic, alone.

What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to get into writing?

Write. Finish. Just do it. And then do it, again. And don’t listen to anyone.

An Affair to Dismember coverCan you share with us something off your bucket list.

A luxury bungalow on the water in Bora Bora where I do absolutely nothing. (I bet Nora Roberts would do something more energetic than that, though)

What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?

I have To Read Piles. Piles and piles. I buy books like other people buy peanuts. I love bookstores, the smell of books, the excitement before I crack open the first page.

What is one book everyone should read before they die?

Oh, that’s a really good and really hard question. Books—stories—are so subjective. Like music and visual art, they hit everyone differently. For me, East of Eden and The Hotel New Hampshire changed my life. The Bible ain’t bad, either.

What is your favorite time of year & why?

Summer. I don’t believe in cold and rain. Although, I’m sweating in misery while I type this. So, maybe I should change my answer?

Who is your Celebrity crush?  And what would you do if you ever meet them?

The Rock. If I met him, I would insist that we get married, and I wouldn’t take NO for an answer.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Read my book! I promise you’ll have a good time. Also, Thank you so much for interviewing me! This was a lot of fun.



An Affair to Dismember

Book One of the Matchmaker Series

An Affair to Dismember cover

 Amazon | B&N | Indie Bound | BAM | iTunes

Three months has been Gladie Burger’s limit when it comes to staying in one place: She’s always been a temp agency kind of girl, ever ready to move on. That’s why Gladie is more than a little skeptical when her eccentric Grandma Zelda recruits her to the family business in the quaint small town of Cannes, California. Gladie is also highly unqualified: Her beloved grandmother’s business is matchmaking, and Gladie has a terrible track record with romance. Still, despite evidence to the contrary, Zelda is convinced that her granddaughter has “the gift.” But when the going gets tough, Gladie wonders if this gift has a return policy.

When Zelda’s neighbor drops dead in his kitchen, Gladie is swept into his bizarre family’s drama. Despite warnings from the (distractingly gorgeous) chief of police to steer clear of his investigation, Gladie is out to prove that her neighbor’s death was murder. It’s not too long before she’s in way over her head—with the hunky police chief, a dysfunctional family full of possible killers, and yet another mysterious and handsome man, whose attentions she’s unable to ignore. Gladie is clearly being pursued—either by true love or by a murderer. Who will catch her first?




Book Two of the Matchmaker Series

matchpoint cover

Amazon | B&N | Indie Bound | BAM | iTunes

Lovably troublesome Gladie Burger runs into sizzling danger and a fiery love triangle in the second installment of Elise Sax’s hilarious and sexy Matchmaker romance series.

Since joining the family matchmaking business run by her eccentric Grandma Zelda, Gladie is always looking for love. But when an unbearable toothache knocks her out of commission and into the dentist’s chair, she prays only for relief. No such luck. Emerging from an anesthetic haze, Gladie awakes to find that not only is her tooth still throbbing, but her dentist is dead—and the lead suspect in the murder, office receptionist Belinda, just so happens to be Gladie’s first real client. Now it’s up to Gladie to find Belinda a manand keep her from being locked up behind bars.

As if that weren’t enough distraction, two gorgeous men are vying for Gladie’s attention: Spencer, the playboy chief of police, and Holden, Gladie’s secretive, gorgeously muscled neighbor. Still, Gladie’s not complaining about having a helping hand or two when the case leads her to a dangerously bizarre cult. She may have met her match—and if she’s not careful, it could be her last.

Check out the MATCHPOINT trailer:


Elise is giving away the following prizes at the end of her tour:
GRAND PRIZE: $50.00 Amazon gift card
2nd Prize: $10.00 Amazon gift card
3rd Prize: $10.00 Amazon gift card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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