
Kimberly reviews The Accidental Demon Slayer by Angie Fox

Accidental demon Slayer

TITLE: The Accidental Demon Slayer
SERIES #: Demon Slayer #1
CHARACTERS: Lizzie & Dimitri
AUTHOR: Angie Fox

It’s never a good day when an ancient demon shows up on your toilet bowl. For Lizzie Brown, that’s just the beginning. Soon her hyperactive terrier starts talking, and her long-lost biker witch Grandma is hurling Smuckers jars filled with magic. Just when she thinks she’s seen it all, Lizzie learns she’s a demon slayer-and all hell is after her.

Of course, that’s not the only thing after her. Dimitri Kallinikos, a devastatingly handsome shape-shifting griffin needs Lizzie to slay a demon of his own. But how do you talk a girl you’ve never met into going straight to the underworld? Lie. And if that doesn’t work, how dangerous could a little seduction be…?

If you like silly and paranormal then you will enjoy this book. I was going to give it 1 stars because I really did not enjoy this however I can see that someone who enjoys silly movies, books, etc would like this.

I am also not a fan of talking animals even though Pirate has some ok lines it is not enough to make this book worth while. I am not a fan of silly movies (Austin Powers, The Hangover, etc) and know I am one of the minority but if you are a fan and like a good paranormal then do not take my word for it. Try it yourself and see.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.


One Response to Kimberly reviews The Accidental Demon Slayer by Angie Fox

  1. Maria D. July 12, 2013 at 4:58 am #

    Thanks for the review – I do have this on my kindle

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