
Book Blitz: Hotter then Texas by Tina Leonard

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“Perfection takes time, but desire waits for no man. Or woman ”

“Pecan Creek, Book 1”

With more than one skeleton rattling in her closet, Sugar Cassevechia hopes The Most Honest Town in Texas will be the perfect place to start an online business. As soon as her mother remembers the family recipe that ll get off the ground.

In the meantime, no way is Sugar letting their new landlord get away with renting them a run-down house that s decorated like a rich widow s orgasm. Even if he s the biggest hunk of hot she s ever laid eyes on.

Jake Bentley would love to do nothing but sit back and be amused as the Cassevechia women unwittingly stir up trouble in his uptight town. But something about them thaws out his frozen rescue complex. Especially Sugar s long, chestnut hair and sassy mouth.

Right about the time Sugar figures one steamy night in Jake s bed won t hurt, another skeleton joins the party in the form of a dead body in the Belle Watling room. And Sugar must decide if her family s reputation and her own heart are safe with Jake.

Warning: No sex in this book. Nope. None. Nada. Honest. Now, if you believe that, the author has an iceberg in Texas to sell you. Better hurry before there’s none left to cool the fevered dreams generated by this book.



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5 Responses to Book Blitz: Hotter then Texas by Tina Leonard

  1. Carol L June 17, 2013 at 4:24 am #

    Congrats to Tina on this release. I loved the blurb and can’t wait to read Hotter Than Texas. Thanks for the opportunity.
    Carol L

  2. Veronica De Luna June 17, 2013 at 7:36 am #

    Hahaha! I liked that last part about the iceberg. Also love that this book is set in Texas since it is my home state. Going to enjoy reading this book!

  3. Ginger Robertson June 17, 2013 at 8:49 am #

    I enjoyed reading Tina’s excerpt and look forward to reading Hotter than Texas.
    Thank you.

  4. Victoria Zumbrum June 17, 2013 at 4:50 pm #

    Congratulations on the release. I would love to read this book. Sounds very good.

  5. Ruth S. June 17, 2013 at 6:20 pm #

    Congrats to Tina on her new release. I can’t wait to read Hotter Than Texas. Thanks for the opportunity.

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