
Kimberly reviews The Professional/The Player by Rhonda Nelson

TITLE: The Professional/The Player
SERIES #: Men Out Of Uniform #13/#1
CHARACTERS: Jeb & Sophie/Jamie & Audrey
AUTHOR: Rhonda Nelson

Former military man Jeb Anderson accepted a job at Ranger Security to regain some control over his life. But when he goes undercover to investigate a series of thefts at a retirement home, his number one suspect completely unravels his control…and sends his libido sky-high! As far as massage therapist Sophie O’Brien is concerned, Jeb is infuriating. Still, she’d like nothing more than to find out just what’s underneath Jeb’s reserved exterior—and his clothes! Because if he’s half as talented as his nickname implies, letting him uncover all her secrets will be very, very satisfying….

There’s nothing like a man in uniform…or out of it! Especially when he’s as hot as former Ranger Jamie Flanagan. After their last assignment went horribly wrong, he and his buddies needed to get out of the military for good. There was only one catch–that he and his pals promise their commanding officer one favor. Any favor. Now tall, dark and sexy Jamie is a top security specialist… and the ultimate ladies’ man. So he’s more than a little surprised when he learns the colonel has set him up to protect his granddaughter. Who would trust a player like Jamie with a gorgeous woman like Audrey? Then he learns his “mission” is to seduce her away from another man….

I am not sure how I feel about this story. I really enjoyed the storyline itself and I enjoyed the characters too. They really are so cute together. Then why am I not sure about it? Because it makes Jeb, who supposedly is an Army Ranger, look like an idiot. Becca is the one who thinks up everything and Jeb is just the muscle. And while I liked him as the muscle I felt like he was written wrong. I also would have enjoyed more of the twin connection. That being said I liked the story. And I think anyone who enjoys romance will enjoy it too. Pick it up and you will not be disappointed.

This is actually a reprint of the first in the series of “Men Out of Uniform” and it was good but again not great. There is just something a little off about the way this author writes these books. It isn’t that it is bad writing just odd. I am glad I read the other book first because I am not sure I would have continued with the series having read this book first. But seeing as I did read the other one first it was kind of nice to backtrack and see how it all began.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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