
Kimberly reviews Paradise Hops by Liz Crowe

TITLE: Paradise Hops
CHARACTERS: Lori/Garret/Eli
AUTHOR: Liz Crowe

A brutal attack left Lori Brockton convinced she was damaged goods. By the time she emerges from hiding two years later, ready to run her family’s famous brewery, she’s determined to be independent–never rely on anyone ever again. Nearly a year of working in every corner of Brockton Brewing Company, from warehouse to pub, front office to kitchen, teaches her all she needs to know about the business. Then, she comes face-to-face with masculine perfection in a suit and her world is rocked in more ways than one. Garret Hunter is the new Brockton business manager who takes one look at the beautiful, sad young woman and his entire existence coalesces around winning her heart.

But standing between Garrett and what he believes is his true love, is a six-feet six-inch blond-haired bad boy brewer.

Eli Buchannan is a craft beer rock star, recently hired by Brockton to drag the company into the 21st century. He brings innovation and attitude plus a prima donna ladies’ man reputation. But he’s sworn off anything resembling commitment, personal or professional, after getting burned at his last job on both fronts.

Garret Hunter is “The Perfect Man” — handsome, successful, stable, eager to settle down. Eli Buchannan… is not. Compelling, smoking hot, creative and elusive, he represents everything Lori Brockton should avoid. But just as she makes a difficult choice, a drastic life-changing shift occurs, and nothing is ever the same again.

I just could not get into this book. The character of Lori is way beyond irritating and I just never cared about her circumstances. I am not big on the love triangle storyline anyway but wanted to give this book a shot and I am kinda sorry that I did.

Eli is crass and I just hated every scene he was in. Garret was very sweet but a bit OCD. Lori is selfish and I just never understood why she had to go back and forth between the two. And the end… UGH! I was just disappointed. I think this is a love it or hate it kind of story and I just didn’t love it at all.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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