
Interview with Kacey Hammell

Books-n-Kisses is pleased to have our pal Kacey Hammell back on the blog today to talke about her newest release Sweet Salvation

Kacey, can you please share with us a little about yourself

I’m a mom of three, cattle farmer, wife, school committee volunteer, avidreader, obsessive TV watcher, and I pen a few stories in between all that. *g*

Have you always wanted to be an author?

No. I never thought of it until my husband put the idea in my mind. And I haven’t looked back since!

Can you share with us your typical writing day.  Is there anything you have to have while writing?

I have to have my teapot full beside me so I don’t have to get up a lot. I don’t have typical writing days. I strive to do 1-5k a day and sometimes have to write that in bits and pieces. Some days I start writing at 9 a.m. and don’t come up for air until about 3 p.m. – especially during the week when my kids are in school.

Most challenging or rewarding part of writing?

Most challenging – finding the time to write. Not to make excuses, but it’s not always easy with kids’ stuff going on, farming to do, gardening to tend.

Can you please tell us about your latest book?

Sweetest Salvation is a book about second chances, learning to live again and making coming out of despair and darkness after tragedy.

How did you come with the idea for this story?

It’s based loosely on a real-life experience that a dear friend suffered years ago. With her blessing, of course.

 Can you share with us your current work in progress?

I have 4 WIPs on the go. I just finished a short story that is a no holds barred story of a prank gone awry. *g*

 Who are some of your favorite authors?

There are many. Short list – Cherry Adair, Jaci Burton, Suz Brockmann, JD Robb/Nora Roberts, Sara Brookes, Lucy Felthouse, Lori Foster. The list is very very long. *g*

Do you feel that any of your favorite authors have inspired your writing style? 

Yes, many of the above have inspired me to work harder, try more things “outside the box”, focus on the characters and plot and remember that it’s about pleasing readers.

Open your book to a random page and tell us what’s happening.

Page 41 (of PDF) – Andy is giving in, about to make love to Hunter … except she doesn’t see it that way. She just wants sex, moments to feel something other than pain and despair. Super hot!

What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?

I’m anxious to read the Jaye Wells series – Sabrina Kane series. I got a few of her books at RT Convention last year, signed, but it’s been awhile to get all the books in the series. I hate starting a series then having to wait so I try to get all the books first then sit and read back-to-back. Really looking forward to these books … once my daughter is done! LOL

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you to all readers for their support. Kelly, as always Books-N-Kisses is top-notch in supporting authors. Thank you!



Sweetest Salvation

Contemporary Erotic Romance/Light Bondage

Content Warning: Contains Voyeurism, Spanking, Multiple Partners

ISBN: 978-1-77130-330-9

Available at Evernight Publishing / (more links below)

*An Evernight Publishing Editor’s Pick*

“Hammell did a masterful job creating a story that was an equal measure of sweet and oh-so-sexy.” 4 Stars, The Book Chick with Kick

After the deaths of her husband and child, tragedies that she blames herself for, Andrea “Andy” Sheaver has shut herself off from the world. The only place she finds any relief from her shattered heart is Club Splendor, where she and her husband often frequented together.  There, Andy submits to pleasure and pain in situations so her grief is forgotten for a little while.

But Hunter Sullivan won’t stand idly by and watch Andy self-destruct. A friend of her husband, and the owner of Club Splendor, Hunter has kept his love for Andy hidden for years. He refuses to think of her at the club, cold and detached as she’s become, looking for an easy fix to take away the pain in her heart.  Hunter wants her to vibrant in life again and sets out to prove he is exactly who she needs.


Excerpt © Kacey Hammell, 2013

“Mr. Sullivan is waiting for you. He said you’d know where to go.” He smiled and winked.

Cheeks on fire, she gave him a small nod and walked ahead. She moved into the bar area and looked around. The place was packed tonight.

There were a few people she recognized, but most were new faces. Hunter’s business was certainly thriving.

Bridget caught sight of her and waved. Andy did the same and turned to the left, down the hall that would take her to room fourteen and Hunter.

Movement caught the corner of her eye, and she looked to her right. At a table in the far corner, Paige and Nolan sat with another couple. She missed a step, but gained her balance again. She hadn’t thought about seeing them again. Paige waved and her husband smiled bright.

The couple’s kindness and understanding arced across the room. Andy smiled and waved back. They’d been there for her the other night. She’d be forever grateful for it.

Reaching the room, she took a deep breath and knocked. Hearing Hunter’s gruff, “Come in,” she turned the knob.

The room, similar to the one she’d used the other night, had a warmer feel to it. The fireplace ablaze, the heat of it welcomed her.

Andy’s gaze swept the room. Furnished with a full living room set, she loved the royal purple and black colors of the furniture and curtains than anything else. This room conveyed privacy and self-indulgence. Her heart rate increased just thinking of all that might have been done in this room.

It was made for sex. Especially with a glass display case that took up the most of wall. Inside were dildos, anal plugs, collars, floggers, cock rings and more toys of pleasure.

Andy’s gaze landed on Hunter where he sat in the center of the couch, arms stretched over the back of it.

“Hi, sweetheart.”

Her gaze narrowed on his and she shut the door behind her. “Don’t you sweetheart me, Hunter. And get that look off your face.”

“What look?”

“That self-righteous look. I might be here, but not for the reasons you think.”

“Then why are you here?” he questioned, his gaze unwavering.

“I wanted to tell you in person that your idea isn’t going to happen. We’ve been… friends too long. You’re Patrick’s best friend. It’s all kinds of wrong.”

He leaned forward, arms resting on his powerful thighs.

His red t-shirt molded his shoulders and the cuffs of the arms looked snug around his biceps. Damn him for being in such great shape.

She shivered, nipples tightening. She needed to get away from him.

“There, I’ve said all I have to say. Goodbye,” she muttered, and turned back toward the door.

Hunter was quickly behind her, arms encasing her as his palms pressed against the door and preventing her retreat.

His breath was warm against her ear. Andy wished she’d left her hair down. At least she wouldn’t be able to feel his breath on her neck.

A shudder ran through her. “Let me out, Hunter. I need to leave.”

“Why? You were so desperate to remain a member and be here the other night. I’m simply offering a safer solution. Me instead of strangers,” he rasped against her ear.

“I don’t have to worry about much with strangers. At least they aren’t people I have to see after the sex is over.”

Hunter pressed in closer behind her, which pushed her farther against the door. She’d always been claustrophobic. And right now, being caged in by this man, made it even harder to breathe than if she was locked in a closet. His chest was firm against her, his mouth against her ear, and his hoarse voice soft.

Her thighs rubbed together and her clit chafed against her thong. The string along her ass was snug. All she had to do was turn around and take what he offered. She wanted a cock inside her.

Dear lord, this was Hunter.

Could she step over the invisible line and take what he offered?

He was attractive, always had been to her. Hell, she’d only been married, not dead. She appreciated a gorgeous man when she saw him.

Hunter always treated with her respect and friendship. She didn’t know how much he dated but had heard women at the club mention his prowess in the bedroom. He could probably give her everything she needed. There would be a sense of safety with him at least.

And her body’s reaction to him today, while surprising, knew what it wanted. While she was sure it was a bad idea for them to journey down this path, she was overwhelmed by the sudden realization that not just any cock would do.

She wanted Hunter. Wanted only him inside her.

Her breath hitched and her lungs filled, making it hard to breathe. No, she didn`t have the courage to give into this man.

She needed to get out of this room and away from him. Grabbing the doorknob once more, Andy yanked.

Hunter’s palms never moved from the door, but in her hasty movements, his chest aligned tighter against her back.

Pressed against the door, she turned her head, her right cheek resting on it as her breasts pushed against her bra. The hard surface scraped against her clothing, which abraded her nipples. The urge to purr and rub against the wood was overwhelming.

Hunter’s body pressed against her; the cock cradling her ass told her that he was just as affected as she. His length was hard, solid. His hips dipped and shoved against the crack of her ass.

“Andy,” he whispered in her ear.

She closed her eyes, willed herself to push back against him until he let her go.

Her eyes opened when she realized her hips moved against his. Her pussy quivered and her stomach clenched. There was no sense in fighting a losing battle. She wanted him.


Buy Links:

Evernight Publishing / /  / Amazon UK /

aRe / Bookstrand / B&N / Kobo


Canadian author, Kacey Hammell is a multi-published erotic romance author who writes mainly in the Contemporary Erotic/Romantic Suspense genres.  She is a true romantic at heart.

Where to find Kacey…

Website / Facebook / Facebook Author Page / Twitter / Amazon / Goodreads / Pinterest

5 Responses to Interview with Kacey Hammell

  1. Kacey Hammell April 25, 2013 at 4:10 am #

    Thank you for the interview! Glad to be here.

  2. kathleen Gallagher April 25, 2013 at 4:35 am #

    Hi Kacey! Fanning myself after seeing the cover for Sweetest Salvation! Great blurb! Hot excerpt!

    A must read! Congrats!

    • Kacey Hammell April 25, 2013 at 5:05 am #

      Thank you Kathleen. I love the cover a lot too. Looks awesome on my small tote I had done *g* I hope you enjoy if you get the chance to read. Have a great day!

  3. Maria D. April 25, 2013 at 10:37 am #

    Thanks for the interview and excerpt from Sweetest Salvation – it sounds good!

    • Kacey Hammell April 25, 2013 at 11:26 am #

      Thank you Maria! Hope you enjoy if you get the chance to read it.
      Thanks for stopping by!
      Have a great evening.

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