
Interview & Giveaway with Joanne Kennedy

Books-n-Kisses is super excited to welcome Joanne Kennedy to the blog today to chat about her new book “Cowboy Tough”

Joanna, can you please share with us a little about yourself

JK: I’m a transplanted New Englander who fell in love with Wyoming on a childhood vacation. Twenty years ago I fulfilled a dream by moving West. I explored Montana and Colorado before settling in Cheyenne, Wyoming. My passions include dogs, fighter pilots, books, horses, and everything about the Wild West – especially cowboys.

Have you always wanted to be an author?
JK: Yes, but I never believed I could do it. I tried to write in my twenties, but decided I didn’t have the talent for it. As it turned out, I was just writing the wrong things! Once I tried romance, I knew I’d finally figured out what I was supposed to do with my life.

Can you share with us your typical writing day.  Is there anything you have to have while writing?
JK: I’m happy to say I can write anywhere—hotel rooms, airports, even on airplanes. All I need is my trusty laptop. I do have a great little office up in the attic, but when I’m home, I start the day at the kitchen table with e-mails and interviews and then move on to the book. I write on and off all day and most of the night, rarely making it upstairs to the office!

Most challenging or rewarding part of writing?
JK: The challenging part comes about three-quarters of the way through a novel. Up to that point, I’m usually crazy in love with my characters and excited about the story, but when I get about forty pages from the end I suddenly just hate it. Everything seems wrong and I want to pile all my characters on horseback and herd them off a cliff! I’ve finally figured out that it’s a phase I have to go through to get to the end. If I just keep writing, the fear goes away, the horses turn around, and everyone, including me, lives happily ever after.

The rewarding part is hearing from readers, especially those who have taken my stories to heart and opened themselves to love because of my books. I have a sign over my desk that says “Love is a risk worth taking,” and that theme runs through every book. I love it when readers hear the message and act on it.

Can you please tell us about your latest book?
JK: Cowboy Tough begins when rodeo cowboy Mack Boyd is forced to return home to help his mother turn his family’s working cattle operation into a dude ranch. His first task is to guide a group of artists through the ranch’s beautiful backcountry. It doesn’t take him long to discover that artists are a lot harder to herd than cattle—especially since they’re led by a talented and strong-willed city girl who makes him see the ranch—and himself—in a whole new way.

How did you come up with the idea for this story?
JK: Before I became a writer, I channeled my creative urges into art. Outdoor painting workshops are very popular in the West, and the idea of a cowboy having to deal with some of the situations and personalities in the art world struck me as funny. I really love to clash cultures together, taking my stories way beyond “country boy meets city girl.” Mack and Cat see the world differently, and it’s not easy for them to find common ground.

Can you share with us your current work in progress?

JK: Oh, I’m so excited about it! I’m working on Here Comes Trouble, the first volume of my new three-book series, The Cowboys of Decker Ranch. The series follows three cowboys who grew up fending for themselves in foster homes until they were adopted by a rancher as teenagers. Their foster father taught them about love, loyalty, and family, but when they start trying to create families of their own, their troubled pasts stand in the way. I love these guys, and can’t wait to introduce them to readers.

Who are some of your favorite authors?
JK: There are so many! I read a lot, in many genres, but in romance I love I love Linda Lael Miller, Jodi Thomas, and Carolyn Brown, among others. I also adore Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Kristan Higgins, Jennifer Cruisie, and so many others I can’t list them all!

Do you feel that any of your favorite authors have inspired your writing style?
JK: Definitely! I like writers whose style makes it easy for readers to forget they’re reading and get involved in the story. Writers like Cruisie and Higgins have such an easy, breezy writing style that the story just flows through you. That’s how I want my stories to feel.

Open your book to a random page and tell us what’s happening.

JK: Okay… it’s the start of Chapter 14. Cat is looking forward to her painting class’s first foray into the backcountry. She feels like everything’s finally going her way, despite all the mistakes she’s made so far—like kissing her cowboy guide on the day she arrived. She’s admiring the view and when that very same cowboy comes along and spoils her day. He’s not sure he’s willing to fulfill the ranch’s side of the contract, since all Cat’s students are either elderly and out of shape. Just when she’s about to win the argument, the oldest member of the party proves her wrong by hurtling down the hillside at top speed on an out-of-control trail horse.

What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?

JK: Well, I’m way behind on my Carolyn Brown books, so I’m looking forward to Just a Cowboy and his Baby. And I can’t wait to read Jodi Thomas’s new Harmony novel, Chance of a Lifetime.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
JK: Just a big thank you for inviting me to visit, and a double dose of gratitude for my readers, who let me spend all day, everyday in a world of my own making! I love my job, and it’s the readers that make it possible.





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She’s hardly a cowgirl…

Cat Crendall left a successful advertising job in New York to teach art workshops in the wild west.  The Boyd Ranch is hardly her dream destination, but if the outing’s a success, the company will send her to more exotic locations.

 But once a cowboy…

Mack Boyd was in the middle of the best bronc-riding season of his life when his mother asked for help with an artists’ retreat at the ranch.  Mack might be able to ride a wild stallion to a standstill but he can’t say no to his family.

 Cat and Mack are complete opposites…but when the ranch is threatened financially, can they set aside their differences and work together?


A little more about Joanne: Joanne Kennedy’s lifelong fascination with Wyoming’s unique blend of past and present inspires her to write contemporary Western romances with traditional ranch settings. In 2010 she was nominated for a RITA award for One Fine Cowboy. At various times, Joanne has dabbled in horse training, chicken farming, and bridezilla wrangling at a department store wedding registry. Her fascination with literature led to careers in bookselling and writing. She lives with two dogs and a retired fighter pilot in Cheyenne, Wyoming. For more information, please visit and on Facebook.


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40 Responses to Interview & Giveaway with Joanne Kennedy

  1. Leanna H February 12, 2013 at 6:35 am #

    I love reading books about cowboys. I just moved to Texas from Minnesota. I have never bern to Wyoming but I would love to visit there.

    • Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 10:06 am #

      As a new Texan, you need to read as many cowboy romances as possible! It’s research into your new home, after all:)

  2. Maureen February 12, 2013 at 8:13 am #

    I like the idea of a story with artists and cowboys thrown together. It sounds like an interesting mix.

    • Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 10:08 am #

      Thanks, Maureen. I love painting, and love Western art. There’s a great gallery here in Cheyenne (DeSelm’s) that has great Western art. Once in a while I can’t help splurging on a great painting by a local artist, especially since some of them have been my teachers.

  3. KYLA WHITLEY February 12, 2013 at 8:56 am #

    Morning! Looking forward to reading cowboy tough! Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  4. Betty Hamilton February 12, 2013 at 8:58 am #

    I just love those hot cowboys. I’ll bet your book is a fun read!

  5. erinf1 February 12, 2013 at 9:50 am #

    Congrats to Joanne on the new release! I love cowboys and this looks fun! Thanks for sharing!

    • Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 10:11 am #

      Thanks, Erin! I really love the cowboy in this book. He’s a hottie, but he’s also smart and caring, dedicated to his family, and determined to do a good job as a single dad.

  6. Diane Sallans February 12, 2013 at 10:11 am #

    I haven’t read about a cowboy lately – this looks a good one to read.

    • Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 11:50 am #

      Give it a try, Diane – it’s a good cure for cowboy withdrawal:)

  7. Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 10:14 am #

    Good morning, everyone! Sorry I’m a little late to the party. Thank you for stopping by to hear about Cowboy Tough. I’ll be stopping by all day to answer questions and chat. (Note: I’m not as mean as my little avatar makes me look! Why am I a shark?!?!? At least he’s smiling:)

  8. Chris Bails February 12, 2013 at 10:48 am #

    Congrats on the new release. Love cowboys and their stories.
    My question for you is: Do you only write cowboy stories or do you like to write any other genres? What is your favorite genre to read?
    Thanks for the chance to win.

    • Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 11:18 am #

      Chris, I only write cowboy stories right now because that’s what readers seem to want from me, and I really enjoy writing about my home state of Wyoming. But when I wrote my first novel, cowboys weren’t popular. Agents and editors told me over and over that they liked my writing but Westerns just wouldn’t sell. I finally gave up and wrote a couple of paranormals. That’s how I finally won my agent.
      Then the cowboy craze hit, and we sold my first novel. It’s been cowboys ever since, and the paranormals are languishing on my hard drive! But I loved writing them, and who knows? I may do it again. It’s fun to create your own reality.
      As far as reading, I read tons of contemporary romance, but I also love thrillers. A couple of my favorites are Harlan Coben and Linwood Barclay. Like the romance writers I mention in the interview, they have easy writing styles that let you get absorbed in the story.

  9. Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 11:19 am #

    By the way – since the interview I did get a chance to read “Chance of a Lifetime” by Jodi Thomas, and it was terrific! Highly recommended – I thought it was the best book in the Harmony series since the first one.

  10. Nicole Nobles February 12, 2013 at 2:18 pm #

    I love your books!! I grab any books with cowboys in them and especially covers like this one. Thank you!!

    • Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 3:27 pm #

      He is a hottie, isn’t he, Nicole? Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it/him!

  11. Christy Perry February 12, 2013 at 3:17 pm #

    Thank you for the interview & book excerpts, I love cowboys they make for seriously hot romance. I am new to your work but the books all sound wonderful & I’ve added them to my TBR. Thank you for sharing and give us a chance to win some great work 🙂

  12. Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 3:29 pm #

    Thanks, Christy, for adding me to the TBR. If you read this blog regularly, yours is probably as long as mine! I love these contests because they give readers a chance to try something new, so best of luck:).

  13. Chelsea B. February 12, 2013 at 3:36 pm #

    Cowboy Tough sounds AWESOME! I can’t wait to read it!!

    • Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 3:42 pm #

      Thanks, Chelsea! I hope it lives up to your expectations! It was definitely fun to write:)

  14. pepper penn February 12, 2013 at 5:51 pm #

    is this book in a series? i love books where opposites attract! this is def on my tbr list. thanks for the interview!

    • Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 5:56 pm #

      Hi Pepper – No, this book is a stand-alone. All my books are so far (there are 6 now!). I kind of like it when the story is complete in itself, but readers like series so I’m working on one now, and really enjoying the prospect of staying in the same (fictional) place for a while. The first volume of “The Cowboys of Decker Ranch” will be out in 2014.

  15. Maria D. February 12, 2013 at 6:13 pm #

    Nothing better than a good cowboy romance! Thanks for the interview and the giveaway!

  16. Janice Hougland February 12, 2013 at 6:21 pm #

    I’m so glad you like the Wild West and Cowboys, Joanne! I love to read western romance stories… my fave genre! I grew up on a farm/ranch and my Dad and I both read Ranch Romance periodicals available at that time. 🙂 So glad to have learned a little more about you in this interview.

    • Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 9:41 pm #

      Hi, Janice – I LOVE those old Ranch Romance magazines! So old-fashioned and melodramatic, but romance is romance, and they knew how to make your heart beat. I’m not sure cowboys have changed all that much since then. They’re still doing the same job with the same equipment, and a lot of them still hold the same values. So sweet that your dad read them with you!

  17. Sarah M. February 12, 2013 at 6:39 pm #

    I’ve enjoyed the other books in this series. I have always loved reading about that area (and cowboys!). What is it about Wyoming that drew you in – the people, scenery, or all of the above? I would love to travel and to even visit a working ranch.

    • Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 9:44 pm #

      All of the above! It was the people and traditions first – I lived back East and loved Western history and Western riding and horse training. Then I came out here, and wow, the landscape! The sky is huge, and the land just goes on forever. If you ever get a chance to come out here, you should definitely do it! I even have a story on my facebook author page (JoanneKennedyBooks) about married couples who met at dude ranches, just like in “Cowboy Tough!” You never know:)

  18. Ruth S. February 12, 2013 at 7:36 pm #

    I just want to let you know I love your books!!!!

    • Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 9:47 pm #

      Thank you, Ruth! You have no idea how much it means to hear that. It keeps me going!

  19. Joanne Kennedy February 12, 2013 at 9:48 pm #

    Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by so far! I’m calling it a night, but I’ll be checking in over the next couple of days, so if you have a question it’s not too late! Sleep well (and dream of cowboys)!

  20. bn100 February 13, 2013 at 10:55 am #

    Sounds like an interesting story.

  21. Julie February 14, 2013 at 11:07 am #

    I like the cover of your new book. Reminds me of the song Save a horse ride a cowboy.

  22. Joanne B February 14, 2013 at 11:30 am #

    Congrats on the new release. This book sounds like a wonderful addition to the series and I can’t wait to read it. You always have such great covers. Do you have any input?

  23. Deb Diem February 14, 2013 at 11:52 am #

    Gotta love a good cowboy book.

  24. Charity Costa February 15, 2013 at 11:15 pm #

    Great Interview, Books sounds great 🙂

  25. Becky M. February 18, 2013 at 2:33 pm #

    So…I have to know, does your chicken farming background ever show up in your books? My daughter’s best friend recently moved “out to the middle of nowhere” (her words) but also gets to raise chickens since they live there–huge plus, she thinks. Cowboys and chickens? Natural together? 😉

  26. Susan T. February 19, 2013 at 11:29 am #

    I’ve been on a cowboy kick lately and that’s all I’ve read lately. Will be adding Joanne Kennedy’s cowboys to my TBR. Would love to visit Wyoming and Texas. Thanks.

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