
Guest Blog & Giveaway with Jennifer Ryan

Thank you Books-n-Kisses for having me over today.

In SAVED BY THE RANCHER, I explore several themes – Jenna’s complicated relationship with her abusive ex-husband. Learning to trust a new man, even one as sexy and kind as Jack Turner.

Rich enough to surround herself with guards and hide behind walls and security, Jenna discovers no amount of money can protect you from an obsessed man. But Jenna has a plan for all that wealth and will use every dime she has to make her ex pay, but not before she shows Jack and his family a little gratitude for all their kindness.


From the moment rancher Jack Turner rescues Jenna Caldwell Merrick, he is determined to help her. Soon, he is tending more than her wounds, he is mending her heart. Jenna is a woman on the run—hunted down by her ex-husband, David Merrick, from the moment she left him, taking part of his company with her, to the second she found herself on the safety of Jack’s ranch. More than just a safe haven, Jack’s offering the love, family, and home she thought was out of reach.

Jack’s support and love will give her the strength she needs to reclaim her life. The hunted will become the hunter, as David gets what he deserves when they have an explosive confrontation in the boardroom of Merrick International. But not before Jack and Jenna enter into a fight…for their lives.


“Now that’s what I like to see. A couple of nice asses bent over a really hot car.”

“Jenna! You didn’t. You bought them cars.”

“Yep. Cool, huh.”

“The cars, Jenna. How? Why? Not that I’m complaining, but this is too much. How can you do this for all of us?”

“Yes, Jenna. How can you afford to do this for everyone? Jets, limos, cars, diamonds, shopping sprees?” Jack couldn’t take his eyes off her. She looked like a million bucks in that dress and his mouth watered just looking at her. This was the real Jenna. Dressed like she was, smiling, enjoying herself. He didn’t know what to make of it.

“Jack, you asked me several times who I’m running from. You neglected to ask who I am.”

She wore a huge smile on her face, like the joke was on him for missing that fact. He guessed it was.

“You may be rich, but I’m filthy stinking rich.” She let them absorb that little bombshell. Still smiling like the cat who ate the canary, she took in their shocked faces.

“What I did today was just money. I could do this every day until I die if I wanted to.”

Stunned into complete silence, she smiled even more.

“Okay, here it is. You guys took me in and cared for me. A stranger. You didn’t know anything about me, except someone hurt me. You nursed me back to health and gave me something back that I’ve been missing for far too long.”

She turned to Caleb. “Friendship.”

To Summer. “Caring.”

And Lily. “Hope.”

She faced Jack again. “Kindness. That’s all I ever wanted. You know that. You all gave it to me, expecting nothing in return, without knowing who I am, or what my circumstances.

“I’m returning that kindness. You all have my love and friendship, but I wanted to give you something to show you how much I appreciate having you in my life.” She raised her hand and gestured to the cars. “So, every boy should have a really cool toy. Hence, the really cool cars. I hope you like them.

“Every girl should get to go on a marvelous shopping spree. The jet and limo were just, well, lots of fun.”

They all spoke at once, saying it was too much, and they couldn’t accept.

She held up both her hands to stop all the protests. “These are just things, and I give them to you with all the love in my heart. Accept them. Enjoy them. Seeing you happy makes me happy. That’s another thing I haven’t felt in a long time.

“Now, the appropriate response is, ‘Thank you, Jenna.’”

Heads turned this way and that as they all came to a silent agreement and in unison said, “Thank you, Jenna.”

She laughed.

What would it be like to have all that money? What would I do first?

Buy a huge house? Send my kids to Harvard? Buy my husband that hot sports car he’s always wanted? Take a trip around the world and stay in five-star hotels? Pay off all my bills? My family’s bills? Help a stranger? Use it for revenge against someone who wronged me? Keep it for myself, even when I knew a friend could use a helping hand?

Buy a new freezer and keep it stocked with rocky road ice cream? Definitely. I’m a simple girl, who likes simple things. Like diamonds. Sparkly things make me smile.

Dream big and make those dreams come true? Absolutely.

If you had Jenna’s wealth, what would you do with it?

Author Bio:

Jennifer lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, three children, her dog, Bella, and cat, Shadow.

When she isn’t writing a book, she’s reading one. Her obsession for both is often revealed in the state of her home and how late dinner is to the table. When she finally leaves those fictional worlds, you’ll find her in the garden, playing in the dirt and daydreaming about people who live only in her head, until she puts them on paper.

For more information about Jennifer and her upcoming releases, visit

a Rafflecopter giveaway

11 Responses to Guest Blog & Giveaway with Jennifer Ryan

  1. Kassandra February 28, 2013 at 5:58 am #

    Sounds very promising!


  2. Maria D. February 28, 2013 at 9:55 am #

    Love the sound of this book and series! Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Diane Sallans February 28, 2013 at 11:54 am #

    If I had a windfall I’d definitely do some traveling!

    • Jennifer Ryan February 28, 2013 at 12:13 pm #

      Hi Diane,

      I’d love to travel too. Italy and Australia are at the top of my list.

  4. melanie J February 28, 2013 at 4:35 pm #

    This book sounds great!

  5. Sue Peace February 28, 2013 at 8:01 pm #

    If I had that wealth I’d be able to pay for some things that are funded but that you have to wait over a year for…then would travel…I’d love to own a coffee/book shop…my dream!!

  6. KYLA WHITLEY February 28, 2013 at 8:22 pm #

    Loved the excerpt! Can’t wait to read. If I had Jenna’s money, I would spend it on what every makes my family happy. With that kind of wealth, I’d feel obligated to help my parents and brothers if needed. Thank you for sharing your book. 🙂

  7. Ginger Robertson February 28, 2013 at 8:27 pm #

    Hi Jennifer
    Loved reading the blurb you posted and I will definitely look forward to reading your book.

    Now if I had that kind of money, I would invest some, pay off my credit cards, mortgage, buy my mom a home close to me, and donate some to church and charities. Oh and give some to family.

  8. Betty Hamilton March 3, 2013 at 9:17 am #

    HOT F/C!!! I’d love to read this one!!

  9. Tina M March 3, 2013 at 11:20 am #

    Looks like a really good read..Thanks for the chance to win..

  10. Christy Perry March 7, 2013 at 9:43 pm #

    Thanks for introducing me to a new author and sharing the excerpt. This book looks to be a great new read. Appreciate the chance to win 🙂

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