
Jennifer’s review of Boyfriend From Hell by Jamie Quaid

TITLE: Boyfriend From Hell
AUTHOR: Jamie Quaid

BOOK SYNOPSIS: Justine (Tina) Clancy is just an ordinary law student with a faulty arrest record, a part-time job in Baltimore’s radioactive Zone, and a family secret so bizarre even she doesn’t believe it. That is, until in a fit of fury she damns her boyfriend to hell–and it’s exactly where he ends up.

Much to her surprise, Tina is apparently one of Saturn’s daughters, with the power to wield vigilante justice. But poor Max didn’t deserve to go up in flames, even if he did almost run her over with her own car. Tina’s convinced someone cut the brakes–and now a relentless nemesis is stalking her through the Zone’s back alleys, where buildings glow, statues move, and chemical waste exposure comes with interesting consequences. Tina’s usually a loner, but now she needs a posse like no other: a shape-shifting kitten, an invisible thief, a biker gang, a snake-charming private detective, a well-meaning cop, and her sleazy, sexy boss. But in between freeing Max from hell, saving her own neck, and solving a mystery that threatens the Zone and her newfound friends, how is she ever going to study for finals?

REVIEW: This book grabbed me from the very beginning and I immediately connected with Tina’s character. I liked how Tina was this smart, tough young woman who was trying to work her way through law school at a time when her situation seemed hopeless. She was broke, living with a damaged leg as a result of a college riot years prior and working part-time in the radioactive Zone until she was able to take the bar exam. Everything seemed to be normal for her up until the day that she had her bank deposit stolen outside the bank while witnessing a hit and run involving a group of teenagers. To top it all off, her boyfriend Max, then tried to hit her with her own car and she wishes him to hell in a fit of anger. For Tina, things start to go from bad to worse as she learns that she is one of Saturn’s daughters with the power to dish out vigilante justice on people that have wronged others with interesting results.

Jamie Quaid has created a fascinating paranormal world with Boyfriend from Hell and I enjoyed this book immensely. I liked the funny cast of characters and the crazy environment of the Zone, where things aren’t always what they seem and even then you can’t always trust what you see. This book was action-packed from the first page and I was hoping that everything would work out for Tina and she would finally be able to reach her goal of finishing law school. I would definitely like to see this book be the start of a series because I would love to catch up with these characters and see what dangerous situation Tina may find herself in next.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

4 Hearts

2 Responses to Jennifer’s review of Boyfriend From Hell by Jamie Quaid

  1. Maria D. January 23, 2013 at 2:19 pm #

    This sounds really interesting – love the premise and I like heroines like “Tina” – also sounds like a pretty unique world. Only draw back is the cover….it’s kinda off….lol


  1. Kissing the Week of Jan 21-26th Goodbye | Books-n-Kisses - January 27, 2013

    […] Jennifer’s review of Boyfriend from Hell by Jamie Quiad […]

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