
An Extra Sweet Treat… Santa’s Executive by Carrie Ann Ryan

It was a close call between JANE’S GIFT by Karen Erickson and SANTA’S EXECUTIVE by Carrie Ann Ryan. Only one vote tipped Jane’s Gift into the lead. In the Christmas spirit Books-N-Kisses decided to feature Santa’s Executive as an extra sweet treat for you!

Welcome Carrie Ann! It was a close vote so we are happy you were able to join us as well.

Hi! Thanks for having me!

Why did you want to include a Christmas story as part of your Holiday, Montana series?

When I first came up with the idea of Holiday, Montana, I wanted each book to center around a different holiday—and of course, a sexy Cooper brother. I of course had to go with Halloween, Valentine’s Day and a couple others, but Christmas was the first one in my mind. It’s the one holiday a year I get off to celebrate with my family no matter what, so it’s a big deal.

Do you have a favorite holiday novel?

You know, I had a couple before this week, and now that I’ve read Jennifer Ashley’s A Mackenzie Family Christmas, I choose that one!

What is your favorite part of the holidays?

Presents! No, not really. My favorite part is just seeing my family and my in-laws again. We live so far away, that it’s nice to see them again.

Do you have any Christmas traditions?

Hmm…we moved around so much as kids, that I didn’t really have too many. But every year we get a box of chocolates under the tree. The only time of the year we’re allowed to indulge. I plan on continuing that tradition with my future kids. My husband is all for it!

What books do you have coming out soon?

Oh so many! BLURRED EXPECTATIONS (Redwood Pack Book 4.5) is a novella about Reed, Hannah, and Josh from TRINITY BOUND and that comes out early January. The third book in the Holiday, Montana series, FINDING ABIGAIL, comes out early February. I think you can guess what holiday that’s about. The fourth book in the series, HER LUCKY LOVE, comes out in March. Guess the holiday! I have a book a month coming out until July then a couple more after that. Yes, I’m a bit crazy.

Finally, What would you like to say to your fans that voted for your novel?

I’m so touched and humbled. I know this novel isn’t the normal “under-the-tree” romance and it’s a bit more fun, so I’m so happy that my readers enjoyed it!

THANK YOU and Happy Holidays!

Thanks Carrie Ann for joining us and Happy Holidays to you too!!!

Now some words from fans of Santa’s Executive!

Jacki C. says: I love Santa’s Executive. It is part of a great series by Carrie Ann Ryan. And, what’s not to love about the characters? Justin is a former bad boy who likes Christmas cookies, and Rina is a giant elf. Those touches of whimsy made the book even that much better!

Nicole G says: Definitely Santa’s Executive by Carrie Ann Ryan. A hot guy, a beautiful elf, cookies, and romance. Who could ask for more for Christmas. Definitely a different but refreshing take on a Christmas romance. Totally worth reading 🙂

Margie says: Santa’s Executive by Carrie Ann Ryan has my vote, sexy guy who loves sugar cookies, and a sexy elf what’s not to love?

Viviana says: Santa’s Executive has my vote! A great story filled with fun characters and part of a wonderful series! Carrie Ann truly captures the *spirit* of Christmas and captivates her readers with witty dialogue, sexy men (LOVE the Cooper brothers) and in this case a sweet, smart and spunky elf!

To reach Carrie Ann Ryan: Website | Facebook | Twitter


  1. Kissin’ the Week of Dec 24-29 Goodbye | Books-n-Kisses - December 30, 2012

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