
Release Day Tuesday 11.13.12

Happy Release Day to all the wonderful Authors out there that keep out TBR piles over flowing….

What are you gettting this week?

I am sure there are many more awesome new releases so please share your finds with us too!!!

Find your new book here:  B&N | Amazon | Powell’s | Books a MillionARe | Kobo Itunes

Did I miss your favorite????
Or Authors do you want to make sure your upcoming books is on our Tuesday post?????

Send me an email and let me know books.n.kisses (at) gmail (dot)com

2 Responses to Release Day Tuesday 11.13.12

  1. Natasha November 13, 2012 at 8:27 am #

    Jeanine Frost?!


  1. Kissin’ the Week of Nov 12-17 Goodbye | Books-n-Kisses - November 18, 2012

    […] Release Day Tuesday […]

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