Welcome to Day 9 of Winter’s Favorites
I have one of my all-time favorite authors Laura Wright and a new to me author that I freakin’ love Eliza Gayle.
I will stop talking and let the ladies take over.
Christmas Eve; The First Kiss
By Laura Wright
I’ve always thought that there was nothing more sacred, more special or more holy than Christmas Eve night. It’s my absolute favorite night of the season. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas Day. But the two occasions have such completely different vibes, and I seem to gravitate toward the still and silent night.
I’ve had many amazing Christmas Eves in my forty-one years, but this one is etched in my memory forever because it was spent with my first official boyfriend instead of my family. And it was when he told me he loved me. We were both sixteen and wild about each other. I spent more hours in that boy’s home on any given week than in my own, and when I was invited to Christmas Eve dinner, I well, jumped at the chance.
*Side Note: At this dinner I tried steamed artichokes dipped in butter for the first time too, and that love affair is still with me today.

Then it starts to snow.
Gently, sparsely at first. Perfect little miniature doilies falling all around you, and the he stops and turns, and with those killer blue eyes looking into yours, he says two things…
Merry Christmas Eve, and I love you.
Laura’s Quick bio:
I was born and raised in Minnesota. It’s where my love of all things green, wet and grown in the ground comes from. Before writing I was an actor, singer and dancer, specifically a BALLROOM dancer – an instructor and competitor as well. That work took me to many places like New York, Ohio and Wisconsin. I live in Los Angeles now, but I’m always thinking about greener pastures – literally.
Eliza Gayle’s Favorite thing about Winter:
Winter Is All About The Hot Cocoa
Living in the South, I yearn for the cold, crisp air of winter and an escape from the oppressive heat. That first cool, clear night where I can go outside and smell winter in the air is heaven. The first thing I have to do is pull out my special winter mug reserved especially for the dark chocolate hot cocoa I love. To me the cold air enhances the flavors and aroma of what you’re drinking. J The next thing is the purchase of a brand new pair of warm, fuzzy slippers. This year it’s a pair of purple furry booties that make me smile when I put them on.
Unfortunately, I am not a coffee drinker so a warm drink on a cold winter morning is a special treat for me. Often times my schedule precludes me from taking the time to bake and cook all the fun things I enjoy, but I can always afford a few minutes to make a simple and delicious chocolate treat. Since I love to share I’ve included a quick recipe for you all to enjoy along with me.
Sinless Dark Chocolate Cocoa
1 c. skim milk
1 inch cinnamon stick
2 tsp dark unsweetened cocoa
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp warm water
1/4 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 dash chili powder (optional)
8 mini marshmallows
In a mug, combine the cocoa powder, sugar, and water. Heat the milk and the cinnamon stick until slightly bubbling. Remove the cinnamon stick and add the milk to the mug. Combine and add the vanilla extract and slight dash of chili. Top with mini marshmallows.
Coats, hats and gloves, oh my.
Back to winter, and all her glory. Where I live we don’t get snow very often so when we do it’s something to be savored. Kids haul out the heavy coats and gloves and start cutting up cardboard to create makeshift sleds. It’s pretty funny to watch. But when it comes to snow there is one rule that can never again be broken.
Eliza is not allowed to drive.
Seriously. Every single time I try to drive in the snow I wreck a car. It’s pretty cringe worthy. I blame it on the fact that I am a Florida native born and raised. So now, I walk outside, I make snowballs and play with my husky as he frolics and rolls but under no circumstances may I drive. Lol
My love of winter doesn’t end there. I live away from most of my family, but every year my mother knits me a fabulous new hat and scarf to brighten up my winter. I LOVE these. I have several colors and varieties to choose from and I cherish wearing them.
Nobody is a stranger in wintertime.Winter in the South also seems to change more than just the climate. With the heat temporarily gone, neighbors wander out of the house to enjoy the cooler air, people linger in the winter sunshine and we gather in coffee houses and cafes for good cheer and good food. In fact, here in Charlotte we have the ultimate French bakery that is open twenty-four seven, 365 days a year. Somehow I always end up there more often in the winter to people watch, write and savor the amazing treats.
Eliza’s bio:
Eliza Gayle lives a life full of sexy shapeshifters, blood boiling vamps and a dark desire for bondage…until she steps away from her computer and has to tend to her family.
She graduated Magna Cum Laude (which her husband translated into something very naughty) from Park University with a dual degree in Human Resource Management and Sociology. That education, a love of the metaphysical and a dirty mind comes in handy when she sits down to create new characters and worlds. The trick is getting her to sit still.
…Join her in her world. The door is always open and the next red hot adventure is just a page away.
Laura is offering an Audio of Eternal Hunger (bk1) &
a Mark of the Vampire Swag bag.
Eliza is offering up one back list book.
a Mark of the Vampire Swag bag.
Eliza is offering up one back list book.
To enter please leave a comment for Laura & Eliza about your favorite thing about winter. Then head over to the MAIN Winter’sFavorite page and enter for a chance to win.
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