Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome Lila Munro to the blog today. We are looking forward to learning a little more about Lila and her book Three for Keeps.
Lila: Thanks so much for having me over today. I’ve been looking forward to being here and sharing my new release with your readers. I love to chat, so don’t be shy readers, chat away.
Q1) Please tell us a little about yourself
Lila: I’m a forty-something empty-nester military wife residing on the coast of North Carolina with my very own hero and our two doggies. I love bubble baths, museums, the beach, and I am a certified Kindle addict.
Q2) Tell us a typical writing day for you
Lila: Short answer, there are no typical days. J My other job as VP of Business Affairs at Rebel Ink Press usually takes up my morning hours then once I’m caught up there, I’m transported into my fantasy world where Doms, Mistresses, Marines and damsels in distress run amok. My muses are pretty fickle. Depending on their moods that day dictates what I work on and for how long. Now I was asked recently if I have any strange rituals—the answer is a resounding yes. Well, some may not find it strange. I have a habit of going to the think tank—ie bubble bath—whenever I’m struggling with a scene. Time of day is no deciding factor and I’ve been known to sit in the blessed thing more than once a day if need be.
Q3) Have you always wanted to be an author or what made you become an author?
Lila: I’ve always known that on some level from the time I could say the ABC’s and I memorized The Little Red Hen. At that point I couldn’t write down stories, but I was really good at making them up. I had a very vivid imagination. When I was in sixth grade we traded teachers once a day in our teeny country school (I graduated in a class of fifty-two) and I was introduced to the world of creative writing by Mr. Trokey. I was very much taken in when he told me I had a knack for carrying a story line and that someday he knew he’d get the first signed copy of a book I’d written. I really doubt he thought that book would come in the form of an erotic romance. From there I tinkered with writing off and on until my muses went dormant when the children arrived. Apparently crying, screaming babies tend to terrify muses and they flee for the hills at the sound. Then one day I looked up and figured out I had turned forty and my dream was yet to be realized. It was at that point I dusted off the old notebook, found an idea or two and turned them into The Executive Officer’s Wife.

Q4) Tell us a little about your book Three for Keeps:
Lila: My latest book debuted November 17 from Rebel Ink Press, Three for Keeps. It’s an erotic contemporary romance encompassing ménage and BDSM. It’s a story about a woman named Zoey who is a product of the social services system and the three men she’s known from childhood, whom she’s in love with. They have quite the struggle to find harmony.
Q5) How did you come up with the idea for this story?
Lila: Here’s a bit of Lila trivia. I have a degree in sociology and I simply love figuring out sub-cultures. Polyamory fascinates me. And to be honest, once Zoey popped up and started chatting I had no choice but to tell her story.
Q6) What is your current work in progress?
Lila: I’m finishing up books three from two different series: A Slower Lower Leap and Assumed Identity. I’ll also be working with my writing partners after the first of the year on the third installment in the Force Recon series. I’ve also got a new series in the works for 2012, The Sergeants of Echo Co. I’m very excited about that one as it’s taking me back to my first love, military romance.
Q7) Who are some of your favorite authors?
Lila: I get asked that a lot and to be honest the answer is I have many. My tastes are all over the place. For a short list we’ll go with this: Maya Banks, Cherise Sinclair, Loralei James and Julianne MacLean for my historical fix.
Q8) Have to ask because I am nosey. That is in your to be read pile that you are dying to read next?
Lila: I have several Tymber Dalton reads lined up. Squeee! Yes, that came with a bit of jumping up and down. J I also have lined up some Eden Bradley, KA Mitchell and I’m a Kitty Thomas slut. Love, love, love her style and she really explores the darker side of kink unlike anyone else I’ve discovered yet.
Books-n-Kisses: Lila, thank you for taking the time to stop by the blog today to chat about yourself and your books. I am looking forward to reading Three for Keeps.
Lila: Thanks again for having me over, and thanks to all the readers that came out today. I hope you enjoy reading Three for Keeps as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Zoey Matthews is in love. She’s been in love since the day she was dropped off by a social worker at yet another foster home on a back country road miles from nowhere, Missouri. At age ten, she met the men of her dreams. Over the course of sixteen years, Dane Cardwell, Jack Devereux and Ryan Wilkins fell in love with her, too. They’ve each told her they love her, they’ve shown her and each man has gone so far as to ask her to marry him. But what they don’t know is Zoey loves them all.
Her game of kiss and not tell all comes crashing down around her the night of her graduation from veterinary school and Zoey runs for the mountains. Of Colorado. Hoping to outrun her obsession with three men and forget them all together, she stays gone for ten years. But the wound has never healed. In fact, it’s done nothing but fester. Needing to clear the air, Zoey agrees to spend a few days back home with the boys never imagining it would turn into a week filled with comparison sex as Dane, Jack and Ryan each try to get Zoey to choose between them and their varied tastes.
When she finally tells the truth, a truth only one of them has known all along, Zoey fears the foursome will never be able to make a sharing relationship work. After all, aren’t there just too many personalities and desires to sort through? Add in the kink factor and things get really complicated. Zoey’s not convinced the truth has any merit, but there’s one thing she knows for sure…this time she’s playing for keeps.
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