Books-n-Kisses is extremely pleased to welcome the wonderful Pamela Palmer to the blog today. Pamela has stopped by to talk about her Feral Warriors and maybe we can learn a little more about her too.
Pamela Palmer is the NY Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Feral Warriors shape shifter series, the Esri series and, under the pseudonym Pamela Montgomerie, the Jewels of Time time travel series. When Pamela’s initial career goal of captaining starships didn’t pan out, she turned to engineering, satisfying her desire for adventure with books and daydreams until finally succumbing to the need to create worlds of her own. Pamela lives and writes in the suburbs of Washington, D.C.
Pamela: Hi Kelly! Hi everyone! I’m delighted to be here.
Kelly: Can I get you anything before we begin? Coffee, tea, soda?
Pamela: Ha! Tea, please. A spiced chai, if you have it.
Kelly: One spiced chai tea coming up.. Shall we get started?
#1 Feral Warrior Series |
Q1) What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?
Pamela: Hmm. My most interesting quirk. Probably that I need music to write. Instrumentals only. Usually I write to Keiko Matsui’s new age jazz, sometimes to soundtracks. Some of my favorite soundtracks lately are Inception, HALO 3, Pirates of the Caribbean (which I always pull out when I’m writing the climax of the book), and the scores for the Twilight movies. I’m very Pavlovian about the music. I have to turn it off the moment I do anything but write (answer the phone, check my email, even get up and get another cup of tea). The moment I turn the music on, I’m in the zone.
#2 Feral Warrior Series |
Q2) Have you always known you wanted to be an author?
Pamela: No, I had no idea. Growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut until I realized space travel in my lifetime was never going to get me on the Starship Enterprise. Instead, I majored in industrial engineering and went to work for IBM. I hated English and Literature classes in school and avoided them like the plague. I hated the books they made us read. But I’d always been a voracious reader (mostly romances) and a constant daydreamer. It wasn’t until one of my daydreams got too big for my head that I was compelled to head to the computer and try writing it down.
#3 Feral Warrior Series |
Q3) Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Pamela: I’m a little of both. The engineer in me wants to be a plotter. I’d love to come to the writing with the book figured out, in detail, down to the last chapter and scene. But when I’ve tried to write that way, it’s never worked. Usually, by the first turning point I’ve found a scene that won’t work the way I’d envisioned, sending the story off in a new direction and my careful plotting notes into the trash. I liken that process to plotting your journey through the city on a map. From the map it appears a simple matter to get from point A to point B—drive three blocks and take a left. But it’s not until you actually get into the city and try to drive that route that you see the detour, or the one-way street going the wrong way, or the sign that says, “No left turns.”
So what I do now is figure out the big picture of the story—the characters (what they need to learn, what they think they could never do), the villain and what he wants, the conflicts (both internal and external), how the story starts and how the story will end. I usually have three or four big, important scenes in mind. My tent poles. And then I start writing. It’s in the writing that the story ultimately unfolds.
#4 Feral Warrior Series |
Q4) Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?
Pamela: That’s a tough one. My current favorite UF/PNR authors are Nalini Singh, Keri Arthur, JR Ward, Jeaniene Frost, Vicki Petterssen, Larissa Ione, and Karen Marie Moning. My favorite historical romance authors are Anna Campbell and Sarah MacLean.
I’m not sure I can answer the second question. Everyone and everything influences my writing in one way or another. But no one in particular.
Let’s talk books:
#5 Feral Warrior Series |
We could be here all day talking about all your dreamy Feral Warriors so let’s jump to your newest release Hunger Untamed.
Q5) Hunger Untamed (book 5) is your most current release of the Feral Warrior series. Can you tell us a little about Kougar and Ariana’s story?
Pamela: Kougar has always been the coldest, most dangerous, most mysterious of the Feral Warriors. Kougar keeps his past to himself, including the fact that his mate, Ariana, Queen of the Ilinas, betrayed him, leaving him to suffer a ruptured mating bond and to believe the love of his life was dead for a thousand years. He knows now she’s not dead and while she’s the last person on earth he wants to see again, she’s the only hope for Tighe and Hawke, two Feral Warriors who’ve been trapped in a deadly spirit trap with no way out.
#6 Feral Warrior Series |
Q6) Pamela, Ecstasy Untamed (book 6) of the Feral Warriors series is scheduled for release on October 25th can you tell us a little about this book?
Pamela: In Ecstasy Untamed, Hawke is free of the spirit trap, finally, but not free from it’s damaging effects. He’s suffering a dangerous break with his animal, one that will kill him if he doesn’t find a way to heal the rift. But distraction arrives at in the form of Faith, a darling Therian woman with a smile that lights him up inside. The problem is, she’s the intended mate of the newest Feral Warrior, Maxim.
Q7) How did you come up with the idea for the Feral Warriors Series?
Pamela: The idea for the series sprang from a single scene: a woman finds a huge, gorgeous man standing in her kitchen—a man who tells her she’s not only immortal, but the only one who can save his race. That scene was one of the first in Desire Untamed. From there I had to figure out who he was and what he was, but the rest started spinning and weaving together and the Feral Warriors were born.
Q8) After looking at your blog it looks like we are going to get at least 8 Feral Warrior books. Do you foresee the series going past 8? Do you know whose book 7 & 8 will be yet?
Pamela: I actually know the heroes of books 7, 8, and 9. So, yes, the series will be going past 8. That said, I won’t be sharing that information any time soon. I’ve promised readers that I’ll reveal the hero of book 7 on Dec. 1st. That will give people a chance to read Ecstasy Untamed before I spill the news.
#1 The Esri Series |
Q9) Can you tell us a little about your Esri Series, published by Harlequin Nocturne. (bk1: The Dark Gate(2007), bk2 Dark Deceiver (2008), bk3: A Warrior’s Desire 2/2012)
Pamela: The Esri series is the story of an invasion of the human world by a race of immortals who are at the heart of the old legends of fairies and elves. But these creatures, the Esri, are man-sized, malicious, and bent on the enslavement of mankind. Only a handful of humans can see them for what they are and can’t be enchanted. They’re the only ones who can save us. The series will be four books in all. Book 3, A Warrior’s Desire, will be out in February and Book 4, Warrior Rising, comes out in April.
#1 in the Time Travels Series |
Q10) Tell us a little about your Time Travels Series by Pamela Montgomerie.
Pamela: I wrote two Scottish historical time travels for Berkley a few years ago under the pseudonym Pamela Montgomerie. I actually adore these books. They’re a little lighter than my others, though both have non-stop action, adventure, and romance, of course. The first, Sapphire Dream, is about Brenna who travels to Scotland in our time only to awaken aboard a pirate ship off the Scottish coast, called there by the mysterious dwarf, Hegarty. The pirate captain, Rourke, knows precisely who she is but wants nothing to do with her or the prophesy that Hegarty’s called her to fulfill, a prophesy that’s already destroyed his life once.
In Amethyst Destiny, Hegarty’s machinations are at work again when Talon, who he rescued years ago with the gift of a magic ring, accidentally uses that ring to call Julia from the future to help him on his latest quest. Julia’s not amused, but she has no choice but to stick with the charming con man if she wants any chance of getting home again.
Q11) A Blood Seduction (scheduled release May 2012) is the first book in a new series titled the Vamp City Series. Tell us a little more.
Pamela: Yes, I’m finally writing a vampire series and I’m having a blast with it. The Vamp City series is my first multi-book romance, which means the hero/heroine will be the same for all five books. Think Jeaniene Frost’s Cat and Bones books or Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series. Vamp City is a magical dark city created long ago by a sorcerer, a vampire utopia where the sun never shines and where the vampires can live and hunt in the open. It was created by duplicating Washington, D.C. and is, in fact, Washington, V.C. (Vamp City). The story starts when Quinn Lennox and her brother Zack accidentally stumble through the portal while searching for Zack’s lost friend. Little does Quinn realize she’s the one they’ve been waiting for.
#2 in the Time Travels Series |
Q12) You are a very busy girl these days. Tell us about your typical writing day.
Pamela: I am busy! Right now, I’m plotting Feral book #7, revising A Blood Seduction, and working on the page proofs for A Warrior’s Desire while I wait for the copyedits of Warrior Rising. Plus I have a To-Do of other things a mile high. But I like being busy and I love a challenge.
My typical writing day is pretty much every day since I work at home and don’t have an outside job. I see my dh off to work, then start working by 8:00 unless it’s an exercise day, in which case I don’t get started until closer to 10:00. I write/work on and off all day, interspersing an hour of writing with a half-hour to hour of laundry, To-Do list items, etc. I generally don’t stop until about 9:00 at night. After that I either read or I watch one of my taped tv shows or a movie until bedtime.
Q13) What is the best piece of advice you would give to a budding author?
Pamela: Keep writing, keep studying the craft (it takes a lot of work to learn story structure, character development, conflict arcs, etc.). But mostly, don’t give up.
#2 The Esri Series |
Q14) I always like to ask what authors have in their To Be Read pile… Tell us the one book you are dying to read.
Pamela: Larissa Ione’s Eternal Rider
Q15) Is there anything else you would like to add?
Pamela: If you’re interested in learning more about any of my series, take a look at my website, You’ll find excerpts, more about the books, more about the worlds, etc. Also, in conjunction with the upcoming release of Ecstasy Untamed, I have some fun things planned including a pajama party at Feral House! Be sure to sign up for my newsletter (on my website), ‘Like’ me on FB, or follow me on Twitter so you won’t miss anything!
Twitter: @Pamela_Palmer
Books-n-Kisses: Pamela, thank you so very much for taking time out of your very busy schedule to sit down and chat with me about you and your books. I have enjoyed getting to know you a little better and I am looking forward to reading Ecstasy Untamed.
Pamela: Thanks so much for having me, Kelly! Thanks for stopping by, everyone!
Books-n-Kisses: Oh Pamela, One last thing before you go….. What do you say we giveaway a copy of Hunger Untamed to one of my followers?
Pamela: Absolutely! I’ll sign it and send it out.
To enter:
Please leave a comment or question for Pamela
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Extra points:
+1 share this post on Twitter, Facebook or your Blog (please leave link)
Giveaway will end Sept 28th
Winner annouced on Sept 30th
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I'm blown away by how many projects you have going. Great for us though!!
LIKE Pamela's FB page +1
It shows talent to write two different kinds of books, and each sounds great! I love the cover for your newest book.
Thanks for the chance to win a copy, hope it does very well for you!
GFC follower Lexi
eyesofblueice (at) gmail (dot) com
It is amazing that i have not read any of your books before. Reading through these I am wanted to get my little hands on them all! I really need to get out from under this rock more!
Thanks for the post I have new titles on my wish list.
I'm cover obsessed and all these are really, really cool. Do you have favorite of yours / other authors?
Thanks so much for the giveaway 🙂
I liked Pamela's FB: Saskia Kan*****er
Is the giveaway international?
_yay_ @
i love these books!! how many books are planned in the series??
alainala@ hotmail DOT ca
+1 for liking her facebook page!
I love the feral warriors! I'll have to check out the esri books, look interesting pamela .
I like on fb
I recently heard of you and have no idea how I missed you since you write genres that I enjoy reading! I have much catching up to do!
FB: Wendy Dee (following Pam and Books-n-Kisses)
GFC: books4me
books4me67 at
Thank you to Books-n-Kisses for 'introducing' you. I'll be pulling out my e-reader and purchasing a few books today. As I've not read the Feral Warrior series, I'll just say that I'm totally excited to dive into it.
I will share on Twitter and FB, plus like Pamela's FB page.
I have mssed pamela's books. I have re-read them a number of times waitin for the newest one to come out.
I love the Feral Warriors series, and am really looking forward to your unique take on vamps. I like that it will revolve around two main characters,I find this series to be more interesting and they usually have side characters that are fun to wonder about.
claddagh64 at yahoo dot com
Hey everyone!
_yay_, I do have favorite covers. : ) Of the Feral Warriors books, I'm partial to the Rapture Untamed cover. When I first heard they were giving me a black-and-white, I wasn't too sure I was going to like it, but I love it. But my all-time favorite of my covers is a tie between the one for Amethyst Destiny (which I find incredibly romantic) and the one for A Blood Seduction, my first vampire book (which I can't show anyone until after the new year!). Love it!
Hey Alainala, I'm not sure how many books will be in the Ferals series. I do know how it ends (and even whose book that's going to be!), but I'm not sure how many it will take me to get there.
To write two different kinds of books takes great imagination and talent. You are blessed to have both! I loved all the covers – they look awesome.
Thank you for this chance to win and read one of your books!
I love how you have to have music to write. The covers of your books look amazing!
kydirtgirl68 AT gmail DOT com
Like your FB page as well.
Love your books! So excited for this contest!
Hey Pamela,
Who is your favorite Feral warrior?
evilpirate AT nc dot rr dot com
I have liked Pamela's Fb page and shared the link
Hey gang, glad you're enjoying the books! (And the covers!)
My favorite Feral? Oh, that's like choosing a favorite child. I love them all. That said, Jag's the most fun to write. I never know what's going to come out of that Feral's mouth until my fingers are typing the words. ; )
Love the giveaway!
Liked Pamela on FB
So love the feral warrior series. Thanks for the chance. Liked Pamela on FB.
Hi, Pamela. I don't often actually read the author interviews when there is a giveaway, but I have been a fan of yours for awhile. In fact, the Feral gang were one of the first paranormal series I read when I started reading the genre a few years ago. I think i bought 3 0r 4 of the books at one time and read them straight through. I haven't read your other series, but Vamp City sounds like a winner. I also can't wait for the new Feral book next month.
Am I gushing yet? ANyway, even though I've already read Hunger Untamed, I wold a signed copy. I also can't believe how many projects you have going!
Thanks again for the giveaway and congrats on Ecstasy Untamed!
msmjb65 AT gmail DOT com
Oops! Forgot to tell you I LIKED you on FB.
msmjb65 AT gmail DOT com!/RaonaidLuckwell!/RaonaidLuckwell
Newbie to the Ferals. Hopefully when I can buy myself some books I am definitely doing so.
oh goodie I love the feral warriors and am so glad there is going to be more 🙂
i liked on facebook ( cant believe i hadnt already)
I think I'm going to really like Ariana and Kougar's story. A male betrayed can be pretty cold and dangerous. All the more why I want to root for his happiness. Pamela, you are a new author and the shapeshifters are a little new to me so I really appreciate this interview.
+ 1 I liked Pamela's FB page.
Cambonified (at) yahoo (dot) com
Wow you are a busy lady. Look at all those awesome covers. Do you have any say on them? I will have to check out your other books. I only knew about your Feral series. Thanks for the giveaway.
+1 liked Pamela's FB page
Sue B
This looks like this may be my new series to read this winter!!! thanks for the blog and interview to show me a new series been hunting and I am new to the blog tours!!!
Impressive that you can keep so many different series going at the same time! Do you have a board where you plot out your characters and how they relate to each other?
Wksworld at
Awesome interview & giveaway – Thank you Pamela Palmer for creating one of my all time fav characters Tighe *g*
tweet :!/xander_316/status/118495700840493056
facebook :
1 Liking Pamela's Facebook Page (check)
I hadn't heard of the Feral Warriors series before checking out this blog, but it looks fantastic!
I like Pamela's FB page as Phaedra S.
how long was this idea of this series been floating around in your head before you decided to act on it??
-share on twitter!/LexiElla1/status/118597169518346240
-like Pamela
I have read this series and found it totally wicked (imagine a Boston accent) LOL!!
Looking forward to reading book 5.
+1 comment
+1 like Pamela on FB
flaca798 at hotmail dot com
Hunger Untamed sounds like a great read- I'd love to enter.
+1 follower
Man oh man, I want to read all these books.
So many hot covers… 3 of Paul Marron!
ironss [at] gmail [dot] com
GFC follower
Liked Pamela's FB page
I really have enjoyed the Feral Warrior books and I'm really looking forward to Hawke's story. Next month can't get here soon enough.
GFC follower, liked Pamela's FB page
knitrix29 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway! So, Pamela, you write paranormal and historical romance. They seem to me to be on opposite ends of the "romance spectrum". Do you "prepare" differently when you get ready to write historical romance versus when you write paranormal romance?
Tweeted giveaway:!/MamaHendo3/status/119220154184900608
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"Liked" Pamela on FB (Laura Henderson).
It must take a lot of discipline amongst other things (creativity & imagination are other things of which I am totally envious of) to be a full time writer. I need a 9-5 sort of job to keep me focused. If left on my own I'd procrastinate to death.
How do u do it?!
Thanks for the giveaway.