
Kimberly reviews Cinderella Screwed Me Over by Cindi Madsen

Cinderella Screwed me overTITLE: Cinderella Screwed Me Over
CHARACTERS: Darby & Jake
AUTHOR: Cindi Madsen

Darby Quinn has a bone to pick with Cinderella. Burned one too many times by ex-boyfriends, Darby has lost all belief in the happily-ever-after that the fairy-tale princess promised her. She’s sworn off love, Prince Charmings, and happy endings and she’s happy about it. Really. Or at least she was…until she met Jake, her gorgeous neighbor and the manager of her favorite restaurant. But Darby has rules about dating, ones she’s culled from her years spent with so-called “princes,” and starting something with Jake would break all of them.

Charming, fun, and unwilling to give up on her, Jake doesn’t fit any of the profiles Darby has created from her case studies of ex-princes-gone-bad. Finally presented with her own Prince Charming, can Darby take a chance on a happily-ever-after?

Full of wit and sarcastic humor, Cinderella Screwed Me Over proves that sometimes the perfect love, like a perfect pair of shoes, is just within your grasp.

I enjoyed this story. I will be honest and say it was not exactly what I expected but I found myself wanting to read every word. Ironically enough while reading the story a friend posted a comment about Disney princesses not being a bad role model for little girls and I found myself commenting back that while the girls were strong the stories gave an unrealistic view of relationships. Once I realized what I was writing I realized that this is what makes a good book. One that makes you think and yet you still enjoy it.

Now there were somethings that I had a hard time with. First there was just too much “I can’t break my rules for him. He makes me want to break my rules. etc”. Darby is a bit too cynical if you ask me. Honestly the relationships she describes are not all that horrible and are something that most women have been through at some point (or know of a friend who has been through it) and yet Darby feels these are reasons to stop trying. I actually thought there would be a moral. Something like learning from the past means you find what you don’t want so it is worth it, blah, blah but it never came. Also based on the title I expected more humor. I thought there would be some silliness but there is not. There is snide humor and almost a sad humor sometimes but not a fun humor.

Ok now do not get me wrong. Yes there are some flaws but the story is good and if you enjoy the Disney Princesses then you will enjoy the connection and actually wonder what “prince” catagory your ex-boyfriends fall into.

PS: I wonder if the author purposely used the name Darby which is a character in the new Winnie The Pooh and Friends show…. Was she trying to subconsciously tell the reader the best guy to love is a teddy bear? hmmm… or is that just me being cynical?

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

4 Hearts

4 Hearts

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