
Interview & Tour wide giveaway with Gena Showalter

Books-n-Kisses is excited to have Gena Showalter back on the blog to talk about her newest relesase “Darkest Cravings” book 10 in the Lords of the Underworld series.

gena showalter-3Gena, can you please share with us a little about yourself

I put this question off and put this question off, answering all of the others first LOL  Talk about myself?  Shudder!  Um…I guess I am quirky and driven.  Definitely trying to kick a Vanilla Birthday Cake Oreo habit.   Animal lover.  Wife.  Mom.  (Perhaps here is a good place to mention these facts aren’t in any kind of order of importance.)  Day dreamer.  Split end hunter/slayer.  And forever trying to tame curly hair into something sleek and straight.

Can you share with us your typical writing day.  Is there anything you have to have while writing?

My workday depends on what stage I’ve reached in the writing process.

Rough draft, on time — a chapter a day, six days a week. Usually takes anywhere from two to eight hours a day.

Rough draft, running behind – two chapters a day, six days a week.  Usually takes anywhere from six to twelve hours a day.

Revisions – I work twelve to fourteen hours, six days a week.  (Or, when it’s heavy and on a really tight deadline—like now—seven days a week, from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed.)

Editing – I go over 50-100 pages a day, six days a week, however long that takes.

I start when I wake up, and I go, go, go until I’ve finished the day’s goal.  I do take a break to have lunch and walk my dogs.

Most challenging or rewarding part of writing?

Holding the finished book in my hot little hands…wow.  You never forget the blood, sweat, and tears you pour into the pages, or the struggles, or the time…oh, the time!  Sometimes you spend more time with your characters than your family.  Seeing the finished product is like a dream come true.

Can you please tell us about your latest book “Darkest Cravings” ?LOTU 10 -Drkst CRAVING

My pleasure!

Having endured weeks of torture in the bowels of hell, Kane wants nothing to do with his beautiful rescuer, Josephina Aisling. The half-Fae female threatens to awaken the demon of Disaster inside him—a beast he’s determined to kill, no matter the price.

Josephina is hunted by a brutal enemy—her royal family—and Kane is her only source of protection. He’s also the only male to ever set her aflame, and even he succumbs to the heat. But as they navigate the treacherous world of the Fae, they are forced to make a choice: live apart…or die together.

How did you come with the idea for this story?

Kane has been around for a while now.  As the keeper of Disaster, he’s shown up in almost all of the Lords of the Underworld books.  When I last saw him, he was trapped in hell and being tortured by demons.  I just had to find a way to get him out—and a woman who would be able to put Disaster in his place.  Enter Josephina the Fae.  She grew up in the world of the Fae, where the Lords of the Underworld are like rock stars.  In the beginning, she has a hard time not asking Kane for an autograph (though she’s a bigger fan of Paris and Torin, much to Kane’s chagrin).   She’s an intriguing mix of sassy modern and old world charm, but like Kane, she knows the horrors of disaster.

Can you share with us your current work in progress?

Right now I’m working on revisions for Black and Blue, an Otherworld Assassins novel.  Here’s a little about it:


Corbin Blue is a man of many talents. One of the most powerful otherworlders ever born, he is wealthy, a professional football star, and a legend in the bedroom. But only a select few know he is also a black ops agent…and there is no better killer. When he and his crew are attacked and separated, he’s forced to turn to his boss’s daughter for help―a woman with even more secrets than Blue.

. . .


Evangaline Black has always been wary, guarded. No man has ever breeched her walls. Until Blue. He has never been denied something he wants, and now, he’s decided he wants her. As he sweeps her into his double life of seduction, intrigue, and danger, he helps her see beyond the darkness of her past. But as an enemy closes in, Blue will have to let Evie go to keep her safe—even though he’d rather die than live without her…

Gotta say, it’s one of my sexier books.  Every time I finish a round of revisions or edits, I have a hard time getting the hero and heroine out of my head.  They stick with me, and it makes it difficult to move on to another project.

Open your book to a random page and read us a few lines.

From Darkest Craving:

“I have to get this blood off me,” he said, “and I want you within reach. So. Like I told you, stay. Please.” He messed with the knobs on the shower until water began to spew. Then he placed his fingers at the waist of his pants, paused, as if trying to decide what to do next. Finally, he exhaled heavily and unfastened the material.

What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?

MacRieve by Kresley Cole.  I happen to be one blessed girl and landed an advanced copy.  Oh, my goodness, this book!  Kresley has outdone herself!  I loved every word, every scene, every character.  Some of my favorite things about it: how twisted MacRieve is due to a childhood trauma, the bond between MacRieve and his twin brother–I think everyone craves a relationship like that—and MacRieve’s alpha protectiveness toward the heroine, Chloe…talk about toe curling!  Seriously.  This book is not to be missed!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

One of my favorite things to do is name some of my favorite authors, in case readers are looking for someone to read.  You can’t go wrong with: Jill Monroe, Kresely Cole, Roxanne St. Claire, Katie McGarry, Kait Ballenger, Louisa Edwards, Kristen Painter, Karen Marie Moning, Larissa Ione, and Nalini Singh.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.  If you could please make sure to include links to your Website, Facebook page, Twitter account or Goodread’s page I will make sure to include them in the post.  If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me.

Thanks so much for having me!

Where to find Gena: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads 



Gena is giving away the following prizes at the end of her tour:

GRAND PRIZE: $100.00 gift card to Amazon

RUNNERS-UP: Two (2) runners-up will receive a paperback of THE DARKEST CRAVING


a Rafflecopter giveaway


The Darkest Craving



Amazon B&N | Harlequin |  The Book Depository |  Kobo | Audible

Release Date:  July 30, 2013

Having endured weeks of torture in the bowels of hell, Kane wants nothing to do with his beautiful rescuer, Josephina Aisling. The half-Fae female threatens to awaken the demon of Disaster inside him—a beast he’s determined to kill, no matter the price.

Josephina is hunted by a brutal enemy—her royal family—and Kane is her only source of protection. He’s also the only male to ever set her aflame, and even he succumbs to the heat. But as they navigate the treacherous world of the Fae, their love might just tear them apart…


A quick peek at the rest of the Lords of the Underworld Series: 

Long ago, twelve immortals warriors – each more dangerously seductive than the last — stole and opened Pandora’s box, unleashing the evil from within. Now they carry that evil within themselves. Violence, Pain, Death, Disease, Disaster, Misery, Doubt, Promiscuity, Defeat, Lies, Secrets, and Wrath. When a powerful enemy returns, they will travel the world in search of a sacred relic of the gods – one that threatens to destroy them all.

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The Darkest Fire (Lords of the Underworld, #0.5)

The Darkest Night (Lords of the Underworld, #1)

The Darkest Kiss (Lords of the Underworld, #2)

The Darkest Pleasure (Lords of the Underworld, #3)

The Darkest Prison (Lords of the Underworld, #3.5)

The Darkest Whisper (Lords of the Underworld, #4)

Heart of Darkness Anthology (Includes: Lords of the Underworld, #4.5)

After Dark Anthology: The Darkest Angel (Lords of The Underworld, #4.5)

The Darkest Passion (Lords of the Underworld, #5)

The Darkest Lie (Lords of the Underworld, #6)

The Darkest Secret (Lords of the Underworld, #7)

The Darkest Surrender (Lords of the Underworld, #8)

The Darkest Seduction (Lords of the Underworld, #9)

The Darkest Craving (Lords of The Underworld, #10)

5 Responses to Interview & Tour wide giveaway with Gena Showalter

  1. Betty Hamilton August 8, 2013 at 8:01 am #

    Happy Birthday!!! and best wishes for a great year!!

  2. Eva Millien August 8, 2013 at 2:58 pm #

    Thanks for sharing The Lords of the Underworld. and the giveaway. I love the Lords! evamillien at gmail dot com

  3. elizabeth gray August 8, 2013 at 5:41 pm #

    Great interview. Love the Lords of the Underworld series. Can’t wait to read about Kane.

    Thanks for the giveaway,

    Elizabeth Gray

  4. Maria D. August 8, 2013 at 6:29 pm #

    Thanks for the spotlight on The Darkest Craving – i’m behind reading this series but plan to catch up – Thanks for the giveaway too

  5. Pam August 8, 2013 at 7:52 pm #

    Thanks for the great interview! Looking forward to reading the next LOTU book. 🙂

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