
Kimberly reviews Some Like It Hot by Susan Andersen

Some Like It Hot

TITLE: Some Like It Hot
SERIES #: Razor Bay #2
CHARACTERS: Harper & Max
AUTHOR: Susan Andersen

‘Wrong for each other’ never felt more right…

Even a lifelong traveller like Harper Summerville has to admire the scenery in Razor Bay, Washington. There’s the mountains. The evergreens. The water. And Max Bradshaw — the incredibly sexy deputy sheriff. Still, Harper’s here only for the summer, working covertly for her family’s foundation. Getting involved with this rugged, intense former marine would be a definite conflict of interest — professionally and personally.

Max’s scarred childhood left him determined to put down roots in Razor Bay, yet one look at Harper — a woman who happily lives out of a suitcase — leaves him speechless with desire for things he’s never had. He might not be big on talking, but Max’s toe-curling kisses are getting the message across loud and clear. Harper belongs here, with him, because things are only beginning to heat up…

Ever since reading “That Thing Called Love” (Razor Bay #1) I have waited for Max’s story. He had such a gentle giant type feel to him and I was not disappointed with his story.

Max is not as soft spoken as he was in the first book. He opened up right away which I would have loved a bit more of a slow opening up but considering the things we really saw him be himself on where things like the boys club it seemed to work. And Harper… well honestly I liked her in the first book… didn’t much like her in the beginning of this book… then found myself rooting for her. I didn’t like the sneakiness (no spoilers here) around Harper but began to understand after a while.

The things in this book that are a little different than normal books really make the story. The nationality of Harper is something you don’t see much every day in romances. And honestly Max and Harper seemed to have a hard time not only staying together but staying apart. But they both are very quick to apologize. I liked that about the story.

This is a very good book and any fan of romance should give it a try. I can’t wait for Tasha and Luc’s story next!

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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