
Interview with Heather Hiestand

Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome Heather Hiestand to the blog for the first time to talk about her newest release The Marquess of Cake.  

HeatherHiestandinahatcroppedHeather, can you please share with us a little about yourself

I’m 43 and live in south Washington State with my husband and four-year-old son. Both of them keep me on my toes. Technically I’m a full-time writer, which means I mostly get to work when my son is at preschool. I first sold in 2004, a mystery short story, then sold my first novel in 2006. Marquess of Cake is my 9th novel (I think). I’ve written many novellas and shorts too, under two names, Heather Hiestand and Anh Leod.

Have you always wanted to be an author?

It started early for me. I wrote my first story at the age of seven. I never stopped dreaming about being a writer, though I was in my mid-twenties before I buckled down and took my dream seriously. I took classes, researched by reading, and put in the hours to do the actual writing.

Can you share with us your typical writing day.  Is there anything you have to have while writing?

If I can get organized before my son wakes up, I can carve out a couple of pages in the morning. He’s unpredictable, though. Then I have a couple precious hours to work in peace while he is at school. I read while he’s entertained at home, especially while he’s in the bathtub. He loves to splash around so I get some solid time then with my Kindle or a paper book for fun or research.

Most challenging or rewarding part of writing?

The most challenging part for me these days is the distraction I feel while waiting to hear if contracts are going to be offered. I’ve had a lot of that lately. I also have trouble powering through scenes if I don’t have enough handle on my setting. Otherwise, I’m not much of a procrastinator and I write fast, when I know what I’m doing. I love when my plot spreadsheet comes together and I know the basic shape of my story, subplots and all.

Can you please tell us about your latest book?The Marquess of Cake eBook300200

The Marquess of Cake is the first in the Redcakes series from Kensington. It is a “Victorian” historical romance, set in 1886 London.

Here’s the blurb:

Coffee. . .tea. . .or a pastry chef sweeter than any confection. . .

Scotch trifle fit for Queen Victoria, scones with clotted cream. . .Alys Redcake knows the way to a man’s heart. Yet she is unaware that with each morsel–and flash of ankle–she is seducing the handsome marquess frequenting her father’s tea shop. Unmarried at twenty-six, Alys’s first love is the family business. But thoughts of the gentleman’s touch are driving her to distraction. . .

With his weakness for sugar, the Marquess of Hatbrook can imagine no more desirable woman than one scented with cake and spice. Mistaking Alys for a mere waitress, he has no doubt she would make a most delicious mistress. And when he finds himself in need of an heir, he plans to make her his convenient bride. Yet as they satisfy their craving for one another, business and pleasure suddenly collide. Will Hatbrook’s passion for sweets–and for Alys–be his heart’s undoing?

How did you come with the idea for this story?

My son had lots of health issues as a baby, and we spent too much time in front of the TV. I became hooked on cooking shows, like the cake decorating ones on The Food Network. The 1880s time period I was working in for steampunk stories and the cake decorating bubbled together in my brain until The Marquess of Cake mixed into a novel, thanks to my idea about the people surrounding a tea shop in Victorian London.bigstock-Wedding-Cake-5989041-1

Can you share with us your current work in progress?

I’m busy working on my Redcakes Victorian romance series for Kensington. Book 2, One Taste of Scandal, Judah’s story, is at the copyedit stage, and Book 2, His Wicked Smile, Gawain’s story, is with beta readers. I’m writing a novella, Redcakes 3.5, right now.

Who are some of your favorite authors?

I’ve been reading romance since the mid 1990s, so I’ve read a lot of stories. Some of my favorite historical authors, regardless of genre, are Delle Jacobs, Sherry Thomas, Connie Willis, Elizabeth Peters, Rhys Bowen, Karen Ranney, Carla Kelly, Sabrina Jeffries, Mary Jo Putney and Courtney Milan, to name just a few of my current auto-buys.

Do you feel that any of your favorite authors have inspired your writing style? 

I can think of a few. Connie Willis for her questing characters, always trying to figure out where they are and how they are going to fit in. Nora Roberts. Her love of detail about careers and businesses has made me less worried about reader acceptance on these topics. Recently, I have to thank Sherry Thomas, Courtney Milan and Julie Ann Long for expanding the nineteenth century-set historical romance novel due to fresh ideas about plots and characters.

Open your book to a random page and please reads us a few lines.

Michael leapt up, his thigh slamming the edge of his table as he caught her by the apron, then found purchase for his hands around her hips. The tin tray clattered to the floor as he pulled her curvy hips flush against his legs. Her body pressed against him. He scented that delectable perfume of hers. Eau de Redcake’s.

The ladies at the table shrieked and another employee ran toward them, a cloth in her hand. Michael glanced down and saw the cakie’s large brown eyes staring into his, confusion evident.

He blinked at the girl. “How beautiful you look today.” He peered at the black embroidery on her apron. “Alys.”

What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?

I’m a sucker for Anne Boleyn books, and I just bought The Boleyn King by Laura Andersen. That’s one I can’t wait to read though I don’t know much about it. I’m writing this on May 14th, the day it was released. Also released today was His Majesty’s Hope by Susan Elia MacNeal. I preordered that one months ago!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I’ve had so much fun creating my Redcakes world. I love how strong my female characters are, and how unconventional my male characters are, within the framework of the historical romances I love so dearly.

To read about Marquess of Cake go to You can purchase there or find all the links to your favorite etailer.

To learn more about Heather Hiestand and the stories she creates go to: or or

Heather is on a blog tour during the month of July. Check her blog to find out where she is. Many of the blog spots have prizes!

2 Responses to Interview with Heather Hiestand

  1. Heather Hiestand July 12, 2013 at 9:17 am #

    Thanks for having me visit today!

  2. Tina B July 22, 2013 at 8:15 pm #

    Great interview!
    I love to bake, so this title makes me smile! 😉
    Added it to my TBR.

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