Viviana, Enchantress of Books and I are pleased to welcome Robyn Peterman to the blog.

You can find Robyn at
Hi Robyn, thank you very much for joining us for Audiobook Lovin’!!
For those that may not know you, why don’t we start by having you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you became an author?
Okay… here it goes!
I write because the people inside my head won’t leave me alone until I give them life on paper. I write snarky, sexy, funny paranormal and snarky, sexy, funny contemporaries. My addictions include laughing really hard with friends, shoes (the expensive kind), Target, Coke Zero Cherry with rabbit turd ice in a Yeti cup, bejeweled reading glasses, my kids, my super-hot hubby and collecting stray animals. I was a former professional actress, with Broadway, film and T.V. credits. I now live in the south with my family and too many animals to count. Writing gives me peace and makes me whole, plus having a job where I can work in my underpants works really well for me.
As of today you currently have 23 audiobooks listed on Audible. What made you decide to turn your books into audiobooks.
I adore audio books and I wanted my own! LOL. I’ve been lucky to have had brilliant narrators bring my words to life and it delights me to no end to hear their interpretations.
Are you involved in the casting of your audiobooks and if so how do you go about selecting your narrators?
I’m very involved. Four of my series are produced through Audible and one through ACX. I have lists of narrators that I love and have gone after them! Thankfully everyone has said yes.
What do you love/like about audiobooks?
Everything. I do love to read a book first. I like to let my own imagination figure out what I hear and see. I’m a little weird like that. LOL
After I read then I will listen. I’m always amazed by things I missed. I love hearing another interpretation. PLUS it makes long car rides zip along.
Are you a Plotter or Pantser and how does that affect your writing?
100% Pantser. A major point of joy for me in writing is not knowing what comes next. I love being surprised. The most difficult part of a book for me to write is the end. I know what has to happen and there are no more surprises left. If I ever get stuck, I know I made a wrong turn. I simply back up a chapter and take off again.
We often hear (or read on social media) the authors speak about going off to their “writing cave” …. Do you have one and if so, what does it look like? What are your must have items?
I have several caves. I write best at home or in my car. Seriously. I have written many books waiting for my kids at their activities! I have a very cozy office with a fireplace and I’m in there all winter. However, in the spring and summer I write outside. I have a gazebo that I adore and my back porch is my other go-to spot. I can see all my flowers and I like listening to the birds. LOL
As far as must have items… I love coke (the drink not the drug LOL) in a Yeti cup with rabbit turd ice. And when my brain is tired, I play Soda Candy Crush. Sadly, I’m very good at it…
Can you tell us a little about your upcoming release.
It’s called Tallulah’s Temptation and it comes out June 21, 2018. The easiest way to tell you is to give you the blurb…. So here it is!
Pirate Doug
What in the Chicken of the Sea was I thinking to agree to this half arsed Otherworld Defense Agency mission?
I’m the most absurdly good looking Vampire Pirate of the High Seas. Being on the run for my life is very important work… and a freaking full time job. Defending Mermaids from some vicious Sea Hags is going to cut into my pilfering time.
Even though this is a very bad move on my part, I know I’ll eventually agree—too many bounties on my arse to refuse, and the thought of a certain Mermaid makes my roger quite jolly.
However, Tallulah, the leader of the Mystical Isle Pod of Mermaids, isn’t going to be happy to see me… at all. The horrible, sexy, breathtaking woman has been starring in my dreams for too many years to count. Sadly, just when my mind wanders to the really good nookie part, the dream ends with her lopping my Johnson off.
I just hope to Hell and back that the Sea Hags have some outstanding booty to steal. If I’m going to have to regrow my tallywhacker, the treasure had better damned well be worth it.
Running a tourist trap for humans in the Bermuda Triangle had sounded like a fine plan—until it wasn’t. With the Sea Hags gunning for our island and ruining our questionably successful business, I did what any desperate Mermaid would do. I called for backup.
Of course, getting help from the Otherworld Defense Agency is risky as they don’t usually deal with ocean creatures. Whatever. Desperate times call for crappy measures. Chances are they’ll send freaking Pirates. I hate Pirates…
Well, I hate one Pirate in particular.
Hopefully, it won’t be the one seafaring jackhole I despise more than any other. Pirate Doug would be an idiot to show his face here after what he’d done. Not only did the dumbass abscond with our treasure, the son-of-a-bitch took my heart with him as well.
I’ll tear his sorry ass to shreds if he so much as steps even one hairy toe on my island.
What are you working on next?
I have a new series called Sea Shenanigans. It’s part of the Love Spells Collection that I’m in with a bunch of other fantabulous comedic paranormal authors. I have four Sea Shenanigans books coming out this summer. They’re about Pirates and Mermaids… nuff said. LOL Book One, Tallulah’s Temptation, comes out June 21, 2018. Book Two, Ariel’s Antics, comes out July 12, 2018. Book Three, Misty’s Mayhem, comes out August 16, 2018. And Book Four, Madison’s Mess, comes out September 13, 2018. ALSO… Fashionably Fabulous will be coming out late fall 2018. The good news is all of these books will also be in audio!
You can check out my website for snippets and buy links!!
Any upcoming appearances that you’ll be attending where readers can meet you?
I will be driving my kids all over the country this summer between lacrosse and dance! In the fall I will be the guest of honor at Imaginarium in Louisville KY.
Here’s the link if you want to stop by!!
Thank you Robyn for joining us today and being part of the Audiobook Lovin Series! Looking forward to your upcoming releases!!!
Make sure to check our Robyn’s giveaway
Event Long Giveaway
Make sure to check out Viviana’s post on her blog
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