
Guest blogger: Lara Nance (& a giveaway)

Why do we love Dracula?

I have to admit, when I was young and watched Dracula movies, I always pulled for him. I wanted him to escape with his female victim and beat the good guys.


Maybe so, but I’m not the only person fascinated with the vampire legend. It’s been going on for years, and will likely continue. People keep saying vampires are old news, but personally, I don’t see the loss of interest just yet.

So, what is it that makes us love this monster? These are my opinions, but they make sense to me.

First, of all the monsters we’ve built over the years, he’s the best looking as a monster. No one wants a date with Frankenstein or the Mummy. And the Werewolf is only hot when he’s in his human form. Creature from the Black Lagoon? Damp and Yech. But Drac is dark and mysterious and ahem, rich. Definitely the best bachelor of the lot.

Second, he has something to offer his female victim. That bite on the neck is supposed to be the next best thing to orgasm. Then there’s the whole turning into a vampire and living forever with your lover thing, too. Hey, it’s gotta be cool being able to fly and crawl on the ceiling, not to mention commanding some of the darker creatures of the night to do your bidding. All the other monsters just want to kill you…

Third, Clothes. Yep, Drac’s wardrobe rocks. A tuxedo with a black cape? Almost as good as a military uniform to attract the fairer sex.

Fourth, He the tortured male we all want to save by our love. We don’t want to be the female he kills just for a snack. We want to be the one he bites so we can live with him forever, because he loves us so much.

So, those are my theories. What do you guys think? Why do you love Dracula?

I hope you’ll also check out my latest release, DraculaVille – New York, for a new twist on the vampire story. It’s available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble in both E-book and print. And stop by my website to let me know how you liked it!



(New York #1)

Amazon|Barnes and Noble

Super Ad/Publicity Agent, Talia Quinton, is poised at the top of her career to receive a much coveted job representing the world’s largest advertiser. She’s shocked and humiliated when the account is given to a rival agent with much less experience. Instead, Talia is ordered to come up with a publicity plan to bring tourists to Romania. An account not worth a tenth of the one she’d hoped for.

But she’s not called Talia the Tiger by the New York ad world for nothing. When she discovers a newly made and abandoned vampire named Drake, she takes on the job of healing and grooming him into the face of her new campaign.

Instead of touting the ancient country’s rolling hills and historic castles, she turns the advertising world on its head by bringing Romania’s dark past to the center of the presentation. She proposes they build a fantasy themed amusement park/resort for adults called, DraculaVille, right in the heart of Transylvania. And Drake will pose as Dracula, their spokesperson. A vampire pretending to be an actor, pretending to be a vampire.

Talia’s disturbing attraction to Drake is only one obstacle in her path. She soon discovers New York fairly swarms with warring vampire communities and she and Drake have landed right in the middle of their biggest conflict. On top of that, the odd members of the Romanian National Publicity Committee begin making strange demands that keep Talia constantly on the edge of losing the account and her reputation as New York’s most formidable Account Executive.

As a last straw, Talia and Drake are kidnapped by a ruthless vampire gang and forced to fight for their lives as the clock ticks on completing the assignment necessary to retain the DraculaVille account. Their only hope of gaining freedom is to consent to an ancient vampire bonding ceremony. There’s one problem. To complete the ceremony, Drake must kill Talia and turn her into a vampire. But despite her unavoidable attraction to the hunky vampire she saved, Talia’s not ready to die.


A little about Lara:

Lara Nance grew up and lived in many cites throughout the South. She loves to write in a variety of genres, but the basis of all of her stories is a great tale of entertaining women’s fiction that will take you on an adventure of imagination. Smart stories that make you wonder, and live the romances you dream about.

If you want to escape and lose yourself in a novel, you’ve come to the right place. Choose your genre and settle in to be entertained. From thrilling mysteries and steampunk tales to paranormal romance and adventure, she’s willing to explore a variety of compelling stories full of danger and suspense, along with a touch of romance.

Having been on the fencing team in college and now living on a sailboat convinces her that she was a pirate in another life, or possibly kin to Errol Flynn… However, due to the unfortunate demise of the romantic pirates of the past, she lives out her fantasies, thrills and adventures in her stories. Lara loves to weave interesting true historical tidbits into her fiction which invite the reader to explore further after the novel is finished.

Currently docked in Norfolk, Virginia (until the wind changes) Lara enjoys living on her sailboat and spends time reading, of course writing, indulging a variety of artistic endeavors, cooking and sailing with her husband, Joe and their Yorkie, Rio.

Connect with Lara:

Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads

DraculaVille Giveaway:

Lara is giving away a copy of DraculaVille (winners’ choice of paperback or eBook) to one winner.
Open to international readers as well.
For a chance to win.
Please leave Lara a comment of questions.
And your EMAIL address (No Email? No Entry)

***ends 1/31/13***


17 Responses to Guest blogger: Lara Nance (& a giveaway)

  1. pam howell January 28, 2013 at 9:15 am #

    ooh – ya GOT me
    would LOVE to win & read!!!
    PICK ME!!!
    Picardsmom at yahoo dot com

  2. Maria D. January 28, 2013 at 10:29 am #

    I have to agree with all of the reasons for why we love vampires – so true – I always wanted Dracula to get the girl – Dracula Ville sounds like a really fun book to read! Thanks for the giveaway

    junegirl63 at gmail dot com

  3. Linda January 28, 2013 at 10:29 am #

    I´m with you, i´ve always had a soft spot for Dracula, there´s just something about a man able to sweep you of your feet or going after what he sees as his own *rawr*
    Love the blurb and can´t wait for my chance to read!
    Happy Monday!
    fr_larsson at hotmail dot com

  4. Olga January 28, 2013 at 10:36 am #

    Sounds and looks like a very interesting read.
    olga_sergejeva (at)

  5. erinf1 January 28, 2013 at 10:53 am #

    Sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing and congrats to lara on the new release!


  6. Ashlee Stalling January 28, 2013 at 11:28 am #

    This does look like a great read. I aften feel that Vampires are very misunderstood! 🙂 This is a little off the path of my usual Chick Lit type of book, but I always welcome the change. I am just finishing Coming to Rosemont by Barbara Hinske, it is a little more Women’s Fiction by definition, but it has been really a fantastic read. I highly reccomined it if anyone is looking for a new thrilling story to dive into. I will check out Lara’s book right now, and if you want to head to Barbara’s site to check out hers you won’t be dissappointed! Thanks for the review!

  7. sienny January 28, 2013 at 3:08 pm #

    I love the idea of this book. A vamp who pretends to be human, who pretends to be a vamp. It must be an entertaining read

    smile_1773 at yahoo dot com

  8. Maureen January 28, 2013 at 3:50 pm #

    It looks like an interesting and unique story.

  9. laurie g January 28, 2013 at 4:17 pm #

    I have to agree with all of the reasons for why we love vampires – so true – I always wanted Dracula to get the girl – Dracula Ville sounds like a really fun book to read! Thanks for the giveaway

  10. KYLA WHITLEY January 28, 2013 at 4:20 pm #

    dracula amusement park in romania … hmmm … interesting concept … can’t wait to read … thank you for sharing!


  11. Chelsea B. January 28, 2013 at 7:55 pm #

    Oh. My. Gosh… I’m in love! And I haven’t even read it yet 😉 Which is to say, I’m very much looking forward to reading this book!


  12. bn100 January 28, 2013 at 9:42 pm #

    Interesting post. I think it’s because he’s different.


  13. Filia Oktarina January 29, 2013 at 3:17 am #

    Looks an interesting read, count me in please 🙂
    I think i curious how Dracula will get the girl, it will be fun to reading.
    Looking forward to read it !!

    filiafantasy at gmail dot com

  14. Janie McGaugh January 29, 2013 at 6:59 pm #

    I agree with all of your reasons.

    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  15. Christy Perry January 30, 2013 at 10:06 pm #

    I just love vamps & all things Dracula! Thanks for sharing & giving us the chance to win!

  16. Lori H February 3, 2013 at 11:28 am #

    Hmmm…I’m definitely intrigued. I can’t wait to read it.
    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

  17. Wi February 27, 2013 at 2:21 am #

    nothing against monsters and supernatural things
    nor Dracula

    but vampires are old and used subject
    and so is Dracula let him and them(vampires) be

    time to bring back Witchcraft and witches

    about an year its been talked by
    creator,cast(even Shannen Doherty)
    that Charmed could come back

    most exited are Combs and Burge
    to bring the show back

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