
Guest Blog & Giveaway with Allison Dobell

My favourite scene: Alice’s Wonderland by Allison Dobell

Moments later, the brassy blonde was prowling into her office, her long, long legs shown off to full advantage in a micro leather mini skirt and a fresh spray tan. She was the only woman that Alice knew who could wear high-heeled gladiator sandals with the straps wound all the way up to her knees. On most, the effect reminded Alice of a whole lot of B words including ‘bondage’, ‘bulgy’ and ‘big mistake’.  But Tanja looked like a Roman goddess in hers – and she knew it. Her hair was long and peroxide white, her sunglasses oversized and movie star, her leather vest tiny and only just containing her spectacular bosom. If her face was no longer quite young enough to pull off such an extreme look, most men didn’t notice.

I can’t say there was a particular scene in Alice’s Wonderland that was my favorite to write, but any scene with Alice’s business rival, Tanja Thompson (aka the ‘brassy blonde’), was a real highlight for both my co-author and myself.

Every so often, you meet a character who is just a true pleasure to write – a character who makes you laugh out loud with every twist and turn. Tanja is one of these characters (though they’re not always brassy blondes, I had one once who was a very large, very drooly Irish Wolfhound). Tanja is the kind of girl we all wish we could be at some point. Not looks-wise (frankly, peroxide blonde hair and high-heeled gladiator sandals aren’t really for me), but attitude-wise. Tanja is smart and sassy and street-wise and will tell you what she thinks. Every single time. She’s a shrewd businesswoman and cuts a mean deal. But she’s also decent and, when it comes down to the line, fair and kind. Most importantly, she gets all the good lines.

So, were there fisticuffs between my co-author and I about whose turn it was to write a chapter when Tanja was about to make an appearance? Well… if I told you that, we’d be giving all our secrets away, wouldn’t we now?! I think we’d both agree, though, we’ll be writing more Tanja Thompson-types in the future.


Allison Dobell is the pseudonym of two Australian writers – both Allisons (Dobell, get it? Double? Huh? Huh?! They’re nothing if not hilarious). Find out more at   Allison Dobell’s first novel, Alice’s Wonderland, is out now:  Here

a Rafflecopter giveaway

7 Responses to Guest Blog & Giveaway with Allison Dobell

  1. pam howell November 16, 2012 at 7:47 am #

    ooh – would LOVE to win & read
    LOVE Australia!!!
    I’ve been twice
    have a friend in Ballarat 🙂

  2. kyla whitley November 16, 2012 at 9:47 am #

    I loved the description of Tanja. Wow. I was imagining what it would feel like, to look like her, with all the attention she must get. I’ve always been a little shy, so not sure if I could pull a look like that off. I’d probably trip over the heels. Being 5’10”, heels make me very tall. A little intimidating for some men.

    Can’t wait to read this book! Thank you for sharing, Allison Double, I mean Dobell. 😀

  3. Booksie November 16, 2012 at 11:59 am #

    Sounds like a great read. I hope this is the first of many books by the team, Allison Double!

  4. laura November 16, 2012 at 12:11 pm #

    I love finding new authors and biiks to read. Cant wait to start reading this book.

  5. Cathy V November 16, 2012 at 1:47 pm #

    Great post! Sounds like a fun read.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. Jennifer Bielman November 16, 2012 at 7:33 pm #

    Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  7. pam howell November 21, 2012 at 7:42 am #

    rafflecopter taking the day off??

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